This repository is the original macOS version of the GNU Compiler for RISCV
packaged for Visual Studio Code:
RISC-V Toolchain
Kendryte OpenOCD
The Open On-Chip Debugger version for the Kendryte K210 is included.
The RISC-V compiler depends on the following libraries.
library |
description |
isl |
Integer Set Library for the polyhedral model |
libmpc |
library for the arithmetic of high precision complex numbers |
libusb |
library for USB access |
libusb-compat |
library for USB-JTAG access |
The Open On-Chip Debugger uses a USB debug probe. You need the USB-library
installed on your Mac to use the debug probe. Use the Homebrew package manager
to install the 'libusb' library.
See Homebrew for more information.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install libusb libusb-compat isl libmpc
In Visual Studio Code goto extensions (shift+cmd+x), search for 'metalcode-eu'
and install the extension that is suited for your operating system.
The extension adds a path to the Kendryte K210 openocd version. You can use in
- riscv.bin
- riscv.include
- riscv.lib
- kendryte.openocd
Example tasks.json
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "build path",
"type": "shell",
"command": "make path",
"options": {
"env": {
"BIN": "${config:riscv.bin}",
"INCLUDE": "${config:riscv.include}",
"LIB": "${config:riscv.lib}",
"GDB": "${config:riscv.gdb}",
"OPENOCD": "${config:kendryte.openocd}",
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true,
"problemMatcher": "$gcc"
Example makefile
.PHONY: path
@echo $(BIN)
@echo $(INCLUDE)
@echo $(LIB)
@echo $(GDB)
@echo $(OPENOCD)
@$(BIN)/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc --version
@$(GDB) --version
@$(OPENOCD) --version
Version 1.0.3
Compiled OpenOCD Kendryte version with support for SiPEED USB-JTAG/TTL probe.
- Kendryte Open On-Chip Debugger For RISC-V v0.2.3 (2019-02-21)
The OpenOCD configuration file for the Kendryte K210 connected to the MAix-BiT development board.
interface ftdi
ftdi_device_desc "Dual RS232"
ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6010
ftdi_channel 0
ftdi_layout_init 0x0508 0x0f1b
ftdi_layout_signal nTRST -data 0x0200 -noe 0x0100
ftdi_layout_signal nSRST -data 0x0800 -noe 0x0400
transport select jtag
adapter_khz 3000
# server port
gdb_port 3333
telnet_port 4444
# add cpu target
set _CHIPNAME riscv
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 5 -expected-id 0x04e4796b
target create $_TARGETNAME riscv -chain-position $_TARGETNAME
# command
if {[ info exists pulse_srst]} {
ftdi_set_signal nSRST 0
ftdi_set_signal nSRST z
Version 1.0.2
This repository uses the following software versions:
- riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc (GCC) 9.2.0
- GNU gdb (GDB)
- Kendryte Open On-Chip Debugger For RISC-V v0.2.2 (2019-01-17)