Robusta for Visual Studio CodeThis extension provides full Robusta language support for vscode (Code colorization, Formatting, Code execution, Theme, Snippets ...). FEATURES1 - Robusta Code Execution :The extension provides the compile command on right click on .jvs files and run command on clicking on .jar archives.
2 - Problem Matcher :The extension provides a problem matcher to detect compilation errors and display them directly on the editor. 3 - Code Formatting / Colorization :The extension provides the Robusta language configuration that makes code colorizing possible on vscode and a strong code formatter. 4 - Code Snippets :The extension provides some code snippets to auto-complete your code. 5 - File Icon Theme :The extension provides a set of file icons based on the famous Seti file icon theme. Extension Settings
LicenseThis software is released under the terms of the MIT license. |