Create a JSON configuration file inside your project folder in the following structure:-
Define your MySQL server configuration in that JSON file.
When you want to export, Click on Export MySQL from status bar or open command palette, type Export MySQL and hit enter.
Configuration Options
exporter - Which exporter to use. values can be (mysqldump or mysqldump-npm). Default is mysqldump.
mysqldump is the exporter that comes with mysql. It reduces export file size and also supports special characters like emoji. We encourage using it. You need to have mysql installed in your system.
mysqldump-npm will use a node.js package for exporting sql. It produces larger export files and doesn't support special characters like emoji. You don't need to have mysql or node.js installed. If you want to use very simple configuration - (example: just providing the host, user, pass, db, destination), using this option is suitable for you.
mysqlDumpDir - Specify the mysqldump executable folder path if you are using mysqldump as exporter. Example: C:/wamp64/bin/mysql/mysql8.0.27/bin. Not necessary to specify if you are using mysqldump-npm as exporter.
useCustomCommand - Whether or not you want to use your custom command. Applicable when using mysqldump as exporter. Default is false. If you set it to true, you must specify customCommand option and the rest of the options (host, user, pass, port, db, destination) will not be necessary. Not necessary to specify if you are using mysqldump-npm as exporter.
customCommand - Your custom mysqldump command. Example: mysqldump -h -u root -p --default-character-set utf8mb4 mess > c:\wamp64\www\etoiles\etoiles.sql. You will be promted to provide the db password afterwards. Not necessary to specify if you are using mysqldump-npm as exporter.
destination - Where and in which name you want to save the exported file. Default: db.sql
Found any bugs? Got any questions or ideas?
Rise a ticket here or feel free to create Pull Requests!
Version history
0.0.5 - Fixed issue of space in mysqldumpdir
0.0.4 - Readme change
0.0.3 - Changed default exporter
0.0.2 - Readme change
0.0.1 - First version containing all basic features