Simple extension that will help you to track some elements in your code, that are not allowed in email development.
Tracking <table> elements without role="presentation", border="0", cellpadding="0" and cellspacing="0"
Tracking style attributes where are font-size and line-height given in px
Tracking <img> elements without alt tag (also with empty string e.g. alt="")
Tracking all alt tags.
Replacing line-height given in px, to be unitless and in percentage excluding exceptations.
Wraping selection into <span style="white-space:nowrap;">selection</span>. If selection contains whitespaces, they will be changed for e.g. Lorem ipsum dolor sit will be changed into <span style="white-space: nowrap;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span>
Wraping selection into <sup style="line-height:100%;">selection</sup>.
Replacing alt, src and href attribute values.
Adding ‍ between characters in selection.
Wraping selection into <strong style="font-weight:600;">selection</strong>.
EDU: Highlight styles with font-size and line-height: turn on/off the styles highlight
EDU: Highlight tables without needed attributes: turn on/off the tables highlight
EDU: Highlight imgs without alt tags: turn on/off the imgs highlight
EDU: Highlight alt tags: turn on/off the alt tags highlight;
EDU: Enable extension: turn on/off extenstion
EDU: Replace line-height in px: convert line-height in px to be unitless and in percentage excluding exceptations.
EDU: Wrap selection with <span>: wrap selection with <span style="white-space:nowrap;">SELECTION</span>
Default keybinding:
Win: CTRL + W
Mac: CMD + W
EDU: Wrap selection with <sup>: wrap selection with <sup style="line-height:100%;">SELECTION</sup>
Default keybinding:
Win: CTRL + E
Mac: CMD + E
EDU: Replace href, alt or src attribute value: replace old value with new one, by copying it into Input box. (Cursor must be in one of given attribute position)
Default keybinding:
Win: ALT + F2
Mac: ALT + F2
EDU: Put ‍ between characters in selection: add ‍ between characters in selection.
Default keybinding:
Win: CTRL + ALT + W
Mac: CMD + ALT + W
EDU: Wrap selection with <strong>: wrap selection with <strong style="font-weight:600;">SELECTION</strong>
Default keybinding:
Win: CTRL + ALT + Q
Mac: CMD + ALT + Q
Release Notes
Wrap selection with <strong> function added.
Readme fixed.
‍ changed to ‍.
Wrap selection with <span> bug fixed.
Put ‍ between characters in selection function added.
Highlight alt tags bug fixed.
Replace href, alt or src attribute value function added.
Code refactor.
Highlight alt tags function added.
Wrap selection with <sup> function added.
Wrap selection renamed to Wrap selection with <span>.
Wrap selection command keybinding changed to be CTRL+W, CMD+W