label and symbol documenter on hover, defintion provider, completition proposer
macro documenter and argument definition provider
snippets for macros and source control keywords
Problem matchers
There is predefined problem matcher errmatcher-as to handle reported errors from compilation output of Macroassembler AS.
This value can be used in .vscode/tasks.json of your project's build task, for example:
"problemMatcher": "$errmatcher-as"
IntelliSense showcase
Symbol Provider:
provide symbols or labels in current file in "Go to Symbol in File..." [Ctrl+Shift+O, Cmd+Shift+O]
provide symbols or labels also in all includes in "Go to Symbol in Workspace..." [Ctrl+T, Cmd+T]
Definition Provider:
generated map of every symbol defined considers also modules or temporal labels:
Completion Proposer
inteligent completion of directives, pseudo-instructions, instructions, registers, labels or symbols: