This extension includes the most commonly used IBM Maximo DBC elements by developers in their daily activities.
It does not contain all the elements and attributes found in the DBC XML Format Technical Reference, but feel free to contribute with the project.
This code-snippets extension helps you write DBC files faster!
create_dbc_file →
Creates DBC file Template
define_table →
Creates a database table.
attrdef →
Adds an attribute. Used with add_attributes/define_table.
attr_sameas →
Adds an attribute using SAMEAS. Used with add_attributes/define_table.
drop_attributes →
Drops an attribute according with its name.
modify_attribute →
Modifies an attribute from an existing object/table.
add_attributes →
Adds new attributes to an existing object/table.
create_relationship →
Creates a Maximo relationship.
aln_domain →
Adds/Modifies an ALN domain.
alnvalueinfo →
Adds an ALN domain value.
table_domain →
Adds/Modifies a TABLE domain.
synonym_domain →
Adds/Modifies a SYNONYM domain.
synonymvalue →
Adds a SYNONYM domain value.
cross_domain →
Adds/Modifies a CROSSOVER domain.
crossovervalueinfo →
Adds a CROSSOVER domain value.
free_form →
Adds session for SQL statements.
sql_free_form →
Adds sql element to free_form.
add_sigoption →
Creates sigoption.
drop_sigoption →
Drops sigoption.
add_index →
Adds/Modifies an index.
set_property →
Set a value to an existent property.
add_property →
Add a system property to be configured through the UI.
create_app →
Creates an Maximo application.
To enable the snippets, change the Language Mode to XML.
Contributions are what make the open source community an incredible place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contribution you make will be greatly appreciated.
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