A VSCode exetension for umi project that easily extract i18n materials with just a click.
Init project
Init with basic files needed for formatjs to extract materials.
It mainly do 5 things
create folder /locales
create country folders under /locaes folder, like /en-US, /id-ID, /th-TH and /vi-VN
create formater file TMS.js and index.json file under each country folder
create TS export file under /locales folder, like en-US.ts, id-ID.ts, th-TH.ts and vi-VN.ts
add '@formatjs/cli' to package.json
run yarn install
Extract i18n
Extract materials from the source code.
It runs npx formatjs extracat for all 4 locales.
UMI project written by Typescript
Extension Settings
umi-formatjs.includeFolders: The folders that formatjs/cli want to extract from, defaut value is src. If you want to specific multiple foleders, concat them with ,
umi-formatjs.countries: The countries that formatjs want to support, defaut value is en-US,id-ID,th-TH,vi-VN. If you want to specific more countries, concat them with ,