lch fmt
This command simply replace [] to {}.
You can copy leetcode test case to a document and use "lch fmt" command to format it.
For example,
format to
lch reset
This command replace current file with current.template file
For example, you have a file name is "leetcode.cpp",
this command replace the content of "leetcode.cpp" with "leetcode.cpp.template"
If there is a "line=line_number" at the first line of your template file.
This extension will move your cursor to the line, after reset your file.
For example,
There is a comment "// line=87" at the first line,
after reseting the file, your cursor will move to line 87.
lch backup
This command will backup active document to a file.
You will need to input a file name after you trigger this command.
The extension will replace the file you specified with active file.
lch restore
This command will restore active document from a file.
You will need to input a file name after you trigger this command.
The extension will replace active file with the file you specified.
lch copy
Add a single line comment that contains "copy_start=number copy_end=number"
at the first line of your file.
Then use this command to copy the content between the start line and end line
For example,
If you have
// copy_start=5 copy_end=10
in you first line,
this command will copy all the content between line 5 and 10 (inclusive)
lch copy between symbol
Add a single line comment that contains "copy_start_symbol=string1 copy_end_symbol=string2"
at the first line of your file.
Then use this command to copy the content between the start symbol and end symbol.
For example,
If you have
// copy_start_symbol=hello copy_start_symbol=world
in your first line,
and you have
// hello
... some code here ...
// world
in your code,
this command will copy all the content between // hello and // world (not inclusive)