This extension provides syntax highlighting support for MODFLOW 6 input files in VS Code. This is based on TextMate grammar that is derived from MF6 definition files. The primary goal of this project is to make MF6 input files a bit easier on the eyes.
Basic syntax highlighting based on MF6 definition files. For example:
The extension activates based on the file's extension. If not detected, use Change Language Mode in VS Code and set it to MODFLOW 6.
VS Code's minimap can display enlarged section headers (block names), which may appear cluttered. To simplify the view, disable this feature by setting editor.minimap.showRegionSectionHeaders to false.
Release Notes
Lint and format with ruff, codespell and prettier
Add pre-commit hooks
Add ci
Replace YAML with direct JSON template conversion
Reduce extension file size
Combine grammar files into one file
Reset TextMate naming to be compatible with more themes
Add and fix some regex patterns
Add file icon and sample image
Automate generation of package.json and all.tmLanugage.yaml from jinja template