DigitalOcean Connection: Set the service endpoint for your connection. It's based on AWS configuration (only Access Key ID and Secret Key ID is required).
DigitalOcean Region: The DigitalOcean datacenter region code containing the Spaces resource(s), e.g. nyc3, ams3, sgp1, etc.
Bucket Name: The name of the bucket where the content will be uploaded.
Source Folder: The source folder that the content pattern(s) will be run against. Root is assumed when empty.
Filename Patterns: Glob patterns to select the file and folder content to be uploaded.
Target Folder: The target folder (referred to as a key prefix in Spaces) in the bucket to contain the uploaded content. Root is assumed when empty.
Access Control (ACL): The canned Access Control List (ACL) to apply to the uploaded content.
Flatten Folders: Flatten the folder structure and copy all files into the specified target folder in the bucket.
Advanced Options:
Concurrency limit: Specify how many files to upload simultaneously.
Retry failed limit: Specify how many times to retry a failed upload.
DigitalOcean Spaces Delete
DigitalOcean Connection: Set the service endpoint for your connection. It's based on AWS configuration (only Access Key ID and Secret Key ID is required).
DigitalOcean Region: The DigitalOcean datacenter region code containing the Spaces resource(s), e.g. nyc3, ams3, sgp1, etc.
Bucket Name: The name of the bucket where the content will be deleted.
Filename Patterns: Glob patterns to select the file and folder content to be deleted.
Target Folder: The target folder (referred to as a key prefix in Spaces) in the bucket that contains the files. Root is assumed when empty, be careful.
Semantic Version Filter Options:
Enable: Allow to filter based on semantic version, avoiding newest versions from being deleted of the bucket prefix.
How many versions to keep: Specify how many versions to keep in the bucket, it will avoid deleting the newest ones. This option disables Filename patterns.
DigitalOcean Spaces Download
DigitalOcean Connection: Set the service endpoint for your connection. It's based on AWS configuration (only Access Key ID and Secret Key ID is required).
DigitalOcean Region: The DigitalOcean datacenter region code containing the Spaces resource(s), e.g. nyc3, ams3, sgp1, etc.
Bucket Name: The name of the bucket where the content will be downloaded.
Source Folder: The source folder (referred to as a key prefix in Spaces) that the content pattern(s) will be run against. If not set the root of the work area is assumed.
Filename Patterns: Glob patterns to select the file and folder content to be downloaded.
Target Folder: The target folder on your build host to contain the downloaded content.
Advanced Options:
Flatten Folders: Flatten the folder structure and download all files into the specified target folder.
Overwrite: Enable to replace existing files in target folder. An error is thrown if it tries to replace existing files with overwrite disabled.
Concurrency limit: Specify how many files to download simultaneously.
Retry failed limit: Specify how many times to retry a failed download.
DigitalOcean Doctl Installer
No inputs needed to be provided in this task, it will install the latest version avaiable of Doctl.
DigitalOcean Doctl
Arguments: Arguments passed to the doctl script. Either ordinal parameters or named parameters.
Working Directory: The working folder that the cli will be run against. Root is assumed when empty.
Install the extension to your account
You can find the latest stable version of the Azure DevOps Extension tasks on the Visual Studio Marketplace.