Winnie Browser GUI Designer
Winnie is WYSIWYG GUI designer for Kenga widgets.
Winnie allows you to create, edit and save to clipboard a composition of Kenga widgets.
It contains widgets palette, visual playground, properties pane and view structure explorer arranged in multisplit layout.
- Some predefined templates.
- Comprehensive palette of widgets.
- Extensible palette.
- Extensible templates.
- Darg & drop from palette to visual playground.
- Snap to grid while visual manipulation with mouse.
- Undo/redo of every action.
- Opening layout composition from
.json files with JSON data.
- Adoption of an already created kenga composition module and editing it.
- Saving results to clipboad as
JSON data.
- Generating of Es6 code that creates a layout in runtime without dependecies on Winnie.
- Saving only edited properties if thiers values are not same as default ones.
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