Tiller is a keyboard-based file browser for Visual Studio Code, which should be familiar for those who've used Helm in Emacs. It allows you to navigate around your filesystem using the keyboard, filtering the available files as you type.
Extension Settings
tiller.show: open the palette with Tiller (alt/ctrl+p)
tiller.back: go up to the parent directory (left)
tiller.forward: open a file or go into a directory (right)
tiller.toggleHidden: show or hide dotfiles (alt/ctrl+.)
For the defaults, use alt on windows, or ctrl on macos.
### Settings
vscode-tiller.showCurrentDirectory: Whether to show '. (current)' for the current directory. true|false
vscode-tiller.openCurrentDirectoryAction: What to do when selecting the current directory. Available options: "none" | "open in same window" | "open in new window" | "open new folder in same window"