This is the README for the "Developer Tools" extension. This extension provides a set of tools to help developers encode, decode, and format within Visual Studio Code.
This extension is generated by AI, please do not use it for commercial purposes.
功能 / Features
Base64 编码/解码:将文本进行 Base64 编码或解码。
Base64 Encode/Decode: Encode or decode text using Base64.
URL 编码/解码:对 URL 进行编码或解码。
URL Encode/Decode: Encode or decode URLs.
JSON 格式化:格式化 JSON 文本。
JSON Formatter: Format JSON text.
Text Length Calculation: Calculate the length of input text.
Random String Generation: Generate random strings with numbers, uppercase letters, and special characters.
UTF8 编码/解码:对文本进行 UTF8 编码或解码。
UTF8 Encode/Decode: Encode or decode text using UTF8.
Timezone Time Display: Display current time in different time zones with multiple format options.
要求 / Requirements
Visual Studio Code 版本 1.93.1 或更高。
Visual Studio Code version 1.93.1 or higher.
扩展设置 / Extension Settings
This extension provides the following settings: