# Svelte Snippets Extension for VSCode
A collection of useful snippets for Svelte development, including support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Svelte templates.
## Installation
1. Open **Visual Studio Code**.
2. Go to the **Extensions** view by clicking the square icon in the sidebar or pressing `Ctrl+Shift+X`.
3. Search for `Svelte Snippets Extension`.
4. Click **Install**.
## Snippets
### JavaScript and TypeScript Snippets
#### Svelte State Rune
**Prefix**: `svstate`
let state = $state(, .frozen)(initialValue);
Creates a state variable with optional .frozen
Get a Snapshot of Svelte State
Prefix: svstatesnapshot
Creates a snapshot of a Svelte state variable.
Compare the Svelte State Value Using .is
Prefix: svstateis
$, value);
Checks if a state and a second value are the same.
Svelte Derived Rune
Prefix: svderived
let derivedState = $derived(initialValue);
Uses the Svelte derived rune.
Svelte Derived Rune with .by Modifier
Prefix: svderivedby
let derivedState = $ => {
return derivedStateValue;
Uses the Svelte derived rune with .by
Svelte Effect Rune
Prefix: sveffect
$effect(, .pre, .root)(() => {
Creates an effect rune with optional .pre
and .root
Svelte Effect Tracking Rune
Prefix: sveffecttracking
Indicates if the code is running inside a tracking context, such as an effect or template.
Svelte Bindable Rune
Prefix: svbindable
Declares a prop as bindable.
Svelte Inspect Rune
Prefix: svinspect
* Will console.log when `variable1,` or `variable2` change.
* Note this only works during development
* More notes on$inspect
$inspect(variable1, variable2);
Creates an inspect rune.
Svelte Host Rune
Prefix: svhost
* Retrieves the this reference of the custom element that contains this component.
* Only available inside custom element components, and only on the client-side.
Gets the this
reference to the custom component.
Svelte Snippet
Prefix: svsnippet
import type { Snippet } from 'svelte';
{#snippet name(params)}
{@render name(params)}
Creates a Svelte snippet.
Svelte Untrack
Prefix: svuntrack
import { untrack } from "svelte";
// To prevent something from being treated as an $effect/$derived dependency, use untrack
untrack(() => constantToUntrack);
Prevents something from being treated as an $effect/$derived dependency using untrack
Import and Use Svelte on Event
Prefix: svonevent
import { on } from "svelte/events";
const off = on(element, "event", () => {
// later, if we need to remove the event listener:
Imports and uses the on
event handler from Svelte with an example event listener.
Structure for Svelte Store
Prefix: svstore
export function createStoreName(initialValue) {
let storeName = $state(initialValue);
return {
get storeName() {
return storeName;
set storeName(value) {
storeName = value;
Creates a general store function with state management.
Svelte Page (JavaScript)
Prefix: svpage
/** @type {import('./$types').Load} */
export const load = async ({ params }) => {
return {
// your code here
/** @type {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const actions = {
default: async ({ params }) => {
// your code here
Creates the server load action and imports its type.
Svelte Actions (JavaScript)
Prefix: svactions
/** @type {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const actions = {
default: async ({ params }) => {
// your code here
// Method is only available in +page.server files
Creates the server action and imports its type only on +page.server files, adding a comment if the method is only available on server pages.
Svelte Request Event (JavaScript)
Prefix: svrequest
/** @type {import('./$types').RequestHandler} */
export const GET = async ({ params }) => {
return new Response();
// Method is only available in +server files
Creates the server action and imports its type.
Svelte Props (JavaScript)
Prefix: svprops
* @typedef {Object} Props
* @property {typedef} param
/** @type {Props} */
let { param } = $props();
Creates a props snippet.
Svelte if Block
Prefix: svif
{#if condition}
// your code here
Creates an if block in Svelte.
Svelte if-else Block
Prefix: svifelse
{#if condition}
// your code here
// your else code here
Creates an if-else block in Svelte.
Svelte if-elseif-else Block
Prefix: svifelseif
{#if condition1}
// code if condition1 is true
{:else if condition2}
// code if condition2 is true
// code if neither condition1 nor condition2 is true
Creates an if-else if-else block in Svelte.
Svelte @html Block
Prefix: svhtml
{@html htmlContent}
Uses the @html
directive in Svelte.
Svelte @debug Block
Prefix: svdebug
{@debug variables}
Uses the @debug
directive in Svelte.
Svelte @const Block
Prefix: svconst
{@const variableName = value}
Uses the @const
directive in Svelte.
Svelte #key Block
Prefix: svkey
{#key key}
// your code here
Creates a #key
block in Svelte.
Svelte #await Block
Prefix: svawait
{#await promise}
// waiting state
{:then value}
// resolved state
{:catch error}
// error state
Creates an #await
block in Svelte.
Svelte #each Block
Prefix: sveach
{#each items as item (key)}
// your code here
Creates an #each
block in Svelte.
Svelte Page for TypeScript
Prefix: svpagets
import type { ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^([a-z])|([lps])|[^a-zA-Z]/${1:/capitalize}${2:/upcase}/g}Load${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(?!\\+page\\.server$).*|(.*)/${1:+, Actions}/} } from './\\$types';
export const load: ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^([a-z])|([lps])|[^a-zA-Z]/${1:/capitalize}${2:/upcase}/g}Load = async ({ params }) => {
return {
// your code here
${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(?!\\+page\\.server$).*|(.*)/${1:+export const actions = {
default: async ({ }) => {
// your code here
Creates the server load action and imports its type for TypeScript.
Svelte Actions for TypeScript
Prefix: svactionsts
${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(?!\\+page\\.server$).*|(.*)/${1:+import type { Actions } from './$types';
export const actions = {
default: async ({ }) => {
// your code here
:// Method is only available in +page.server files}/}
Creates the server action and imports its type only on +page.server files for TypeScript, adding a comment if the method is only available on server pages.
Svelte Request Event for TypeScript
Prefix: `sv
${TM_FILENAME_BASE/^(?!\\+server$).*|(.*)/${1:+import type { RequestHandler } from './$types';
export const GET: RequestHandler = async ({ }) => {
return new Response();
:// Method is only available in +server files}/}
Creates the server action and imports its type for TypeScript.
Svelte Props for TypeScript
Prefix: svpropsts
type Props = {
param: typedef;
let { param }: Props = $props();
Creates a props snippet for TypeScript.
Create the Structure of a TS Svelte Page
Prefix: svpagets
<script lang='ts'>
import { type PageData } from './$types';
import type { Snippet } from 'svelte';
type Props = {
data: PageData,
children: Snippet,
newProp: typeDef
let {
}: Props = $props();
Create the structure of a TypeScript Svelte page.
Feel free to fork this repository, make improvements, and send a pull request. All contributions are welcome!
This extension is licensed under the MIT License.