ComAds New Folder Structure (NFS) Generator for Visual Studio Code
This extension adds Comads New Folder Structure (NFS) Generator into Visual Studio Code.
It looks like:
Generate Component
Generate a directory and the following files: index.tsx View.constants.ts View.helpers.ts View.hook.ts View.styles.ts View.trackers.ts View.tsx View.types.ts
Generate Component - Loadable
Generate the same directory and files with Generate Component including Loadable implementation in index.tsx file
Generate Context
Generate a directory and files related to React Context
Generate GQL Mutation - Lite V2
Generate a directory and files related to GraphQL Mutation in Lite V2
Generate GQL Mutation - Lite V3
Generate a directory and files related to GraphQL Mutation in Lite V3
Generate GQL Query - Lite V2
Generate a directory and files related to GraphQL Query in Lite V2
Generate GQL Query - Lite V3
Generate a directory and files related to GraphQL Query in Lite V3
Generate Components UTs
Generate a directory and files related to component files
Generate Components UTs - Loadable
Generate a directory and files related to component files including index.tsx file