m0rjc-apex-stuff README
Richard's internal use collection of tools for working with Apex.
- Create Apex Class using templates.
- Some snippets
None yet.
Extension Settings
: force classes to specify the given version in their metadata. For example 46.0
: provide a default version for use if we cannot find the SFDX config.
: provide class templates using VSCode's Snippet feature.
The property m0rjc-apex-stuff.createClass.templates
contains a map of template name to definition. The definition is a JSON object with
: a glob specifying class names for which this template is most appropriate. The longest matching template is offered as default.
: An array of lines. See https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets for syntax. The snippet will be invoked with the
class name as ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}
The plugin will provide a template called Empty Class
by default. This can be overridden.
"m0rjc-apex-stuff.createClass.templates": {
"Empty Class": {
"matches": "*",
"body": [
" * Copyright ${CURRENT_YEAR}",
" */",
"${1|public,public virtual,public abstract,global,global virtual,global abstract|} ${2|inherited,with,without|} sharing class ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}",
"Service Class": {
"matches": "*Service",
"body": [
" * Copyright ${CURRENT_YEAR}",
" */",
"${1|public,global|} with sharing class ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}",
" public interface API",
" {",
" $0",
" }",
" @TestVisible",
" private static API s_service;",
" private static API service()",
" {",
" if(s_service == null) s_service = new ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}Impl();",
" return s_service;",
" }",
Known Issues
The Create Class tool was designed for right click use. Click on a class folder or class in that folder and it will target that folder.
If you use the command pallette you will be presented with a basic file dialog to locate the folder to work in. This can be improved.
Release Notes
First usable Create Class with templates.