VSCode Custom KIT
Run custom shell command defined in vs code configuration and node module package.json
- Run custom shell command
- Run selected content as shell command
- Run the built -in JS function, which can call VSCode plug -in commands, etc., and complete the combination hot key
Extension Settings
You can defined shell command in vs code configuration
"custom-kit.terminal.title": "[cmd]",
"custom-kit.commands": [
"params": {
"selected": "${selectedText}" //Use $ {} Find the expression to transform the expression into the corresponding text
"command": [
"let res = await shellx('gofmt',params.selected);",
"title": "to upper case",
"command": [
"title": "cht.sh",
"params": {
"url": "https://cht.sh/go/net",
"method": "GET",
"command": [
"let req = await request(params.url,params);",
// "output(req);",
"title": "output panel result",
"params": {},
"command": "let ls = await shellx('ls',null,['-al','--color']);output(ls);",
"title": "call self",
"when": "${fileExtname} == '.go' ", //When the file is the end of the .go suffix, the command selection is displayed
"params": {},
"command": "codeCmd('custom-kit.helloWorld',{title:'tshell'})",
"title": "error demo",
"params": {},
"command": "return await shellx('ls')",
"title": "cat stdin",
"params": {}, // Set the SHELL STDIN
"command": "let s = selectedText();s = await shellx('cat',s);alert(s);alert(toString(params))",
"title": "shellx",
"command": "let s = selectedText();s = await shellx('ls',null,['-al']);alert(s);alert(toString(params))",
"title": "selectbox",
"command": "let v = await quickPick(['1','hello'],null,'bbx');alert(v)",
"title": "demo",
"command": "alert('aaa');error('nnn');alert(expr('${file}'))",
"title": "helloworld",
"command": "let s = await shell('ls');alert(s)",
"title": "tshell", // open terminal in vscode and run shell
"command": "tshell('ls');tshel('echo helloworld')"
Key Binding
You can bind custom keys for the command which defined in configuration
"key": "ctrl+alt+1",
"command": "custom-kit.runCommand",
"args": {
"title": "go.format",
vim keybinding
"vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": [
"commands": [
"command": "custom-kit.runCommand",
"args": {
"title": "go.format"
Predefined Variable
This interpolation expression can be used in the When expression and Params in the Custom-Kit.commands. With this expression, this expression will be replaced with text with corresponding meaning
${file} : activated file path;
${fileBasename} : activated file basename;
${fileBasenameNoExtension} : activated file basename with no extension;
${fileDirname} : activated file dirname;
${fileExtname} : activated file extension;
${lineNumber} : the first selected line number;
${lineNumbers} : the all selected line number, eg. 41,46,80 ;
${columnNumber} : the first selected column number;
${columnNumbers} : the all selected column number, eg. 41,46,80 ;
${selectedFile} : the first selected file/folder from the context menu`;
${selectedFiles} : the selected file/folder list from the context menu or use config, eg. "path/to/file1" "path/to/file2" ;
${selectedText} : the first selected text;
${selectedTextList} : the all selected text list, eg. sl1 sl2 ;
${selectedTextSection} : the all selected text section, eg. sl1\nsl2 ;
${selectedPosition} : the selected position list, eg. 21,6 ;
${selectedPositionList} : the all selected position list, eg. 45,6 80,18 82,5 ;
${selectedLocation} : the first selected location, eg. 21,6,21,10 ;
${selectedLocationList} : the all selected location list, eg. 21,6,21,10 22,6,22,10 23,6,23,10 ;
${relativeFile} : activated file relative path;
${workspaceFolder} : activated workspace folder path;
${workspaceFolderBasename} : activated workspace folder basename;
${homedir} : the home directory of the current user;
${tmpdir} : default directory for temporary files;
${platform} : os platform;
${env:PATH} : shell environment variable "PATH";
${config:editor.fontSize} : vscode config variable;
Object name |
Type parameter |
Analyze |
window |
object |
vscode.window |
payload |
object |
current event payload |
current |
object |
current command |
params |
object |
command params |
error |
function |
ERROR bomb box |
alert |
function |
INFO bomb box |
shell |
function |
Package of ChildProcess.exec |
shellx |
function |
Package of Childprocess.spawn, shellx(cmd: string,stdinText:string, otherParams:any) , Reference <https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html |
> |
tshell |
function |
Create VSCode Terminal and execute the shell command |
expr |
function |
Can analyze ${file} and other expressions into corresponding text |
input |
function |
open vscode input box |
inputx |
function |
Open the InputBox framework, you can enter and select other candidates |
quickPick |
function |
open vscode quickPickBox |
codeCmd |
function |
call vscode commands |
selectedText |
function |
Get the current selected text |
copy |
function |
copy to clipboard |
output |
function |
write msg to output panel |
paste |
function |
replace the selected text, If the parameter is empty, it is equivalent to running the paste command |
fetch |
function |
Return to FETCH Promise directly, not packing |
request |
function |
For the packaging of node-fetch, return the text of the HTTP request reference:<https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch |
> |
code sample
"custom-kit.panelName": "[cmd-panel]",
"custom-kit.terminal.title": "[cmd]",
"custom-kit.defaultCommands": [
"title": "cht.sh",
"params": {
"url": "https://cht.sh/",
"method": "GET",
"command": [
"let i = await input('',{placeHolder:'type your quesiton'})",
"if(!i) return;",
"let req = await request(params.url+i,params);",
"title": "default command",
"params": {
"url": "http://ifconfig.me/ip",
"method": "GET"
"command": [
"let req = await request(params.url,params);",
"custom-kit.commands": [
"title": "go.format",
"params": {
"selected": "${selectedText}"
"command": [
"let res = await shellx('gofmt',params.selected);",
"title": "cht.sh",
"params": {
"url": "https://cht.sh/go/net",
"method": "GET",
"command": [
"let req = await request(params.url,params);",
// "output(req);",
"hidden":false, //hidden command, it use for keybinding
"command": [
// it 's an sample to call awk script using command
"title":"awk input",
"params": {
// awk command with script
"awk": "awk 'BEGIN{FS=\" \";OFS=\" \";}{ print $1,$2,$3 } '",
"command": [
"let i = await input(params.awk,{placeHolder:'awk script'})",
"if(!i) return;",
"let str = selectedText()",
"let o = await shellx(`${i}`,str,[])",
"title":"code with shell cut",
"params": {
"cut":"cut -d' ' -f1"
"command": [
"let i = await inputx(params,{placeHolder:'shell command script'})",
"if(!i) return;",
"let str = selectedText()",
"let o = await shellx(i,str)",
custom shell command path
Configure in settings.json
"custom-kit.shell.path": ["F:/software/region0/mysys2/usr/bin/bash.exe"],
"custom-kit.shell.env": {
// "PATH":"F:/software/region0/mysys2/usr/bin/"
| |