Web Development Extension Pack
A VS Code extension pack for web development.
Extensions Included
Language Support
- Astro
- CSS Variable Autocomplete
- GraphQL: Inline Operation Execution
- GraphQL: Language Feature Support
- GraphQL: Syntax Highlighting
- HTML CSS Support
- lit-plugin
- Prisma
- Svelte for VS Code
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- Vue Language Features (Volar)
- Docker
- Dotenv
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- Error Lens
- ESLint
- Git History
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub Copilot
- GitLens
- i18n Ally
- Import Cost
- Kubernetes
- Live Preview
- Live Server
- npm Intellisense
- Postman
- Pretter - Code formatter
- Quokka.js
- Tauri
- Thunder Client
- TODO Highlight
- Turbo Console Log
- Version Lens
- Vitest
- Wallaby.js
Remote Development
- GitHub Repositories
- Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files
- Remote Development
- Remote Explorer
Development Workflow
- modify package.json
extensionPack field.
- modify CHANGELOG.md
- modify README.md Extensions Included section.
- use
pnpm version to modify the package.json version field.
- use
npx vsce package to create a .vsix file.
- use
npx vsce publish to publish the extension pack to the marketplace.
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