Take control over your imports with the power of regex
Describe how imports are matched
Describe how they are grouped
Describe how those groups are sorted
Describe where any outlying or miscellaneous imports should also end up
How To Use
Imports are sorted into groups, stages of doing this are as follows:
Match imports using regex defined in orderImports.general.matchImportRegex
Match import paths using regex defined in orderImports.general.matchPathRegex
Sanitise paths using array of regexes orderImports.general.pathSanitisers
Organise imports into groups defined in orderImports.grouping (regex: string, index: number, blankLinesBefore: number)
Specify which group index to place any remaining import matches orderImports.general.miscGroupIndex
Choose sorting orderImports.general.sorting
Specify spacing between groups orderImports.general.blankLinesBeforeGroup (this can be overridden in group with blankLinesBefore property)
Knowledge of regular expressions
Release Notes
Proof of concept
Bug Fix: Some import patterns leave trailing lines expanding whitespace
Making better use of vscode api
Bug Fix: whitespace after imports doesn't calculate correctly
Bug Fix: running command sometimes duplicates all code in editor