Target and profile selection, run and debug play buttons, build button, all in the status bar for convenience.
Provides CARGO_MAKE_RUN_TARGET cargo-make environment variable which is set to the currently selected target.
The extension will call the build task (build-release if in release profile), so if there is no task in the Makefile.toml, it will try to use the default task (this is standard behavior for cargo-make).
You must have a Makefile.toml in the root directory of your workspace. The file can be left empty and cargo-make defaults will be used.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
cargo_make_runner.clearRunTaskTerminal: Automatically clear the run task terminal before each run.
cargo_make_runner.additionalArgs: Additional arguments to pass to the target when running.
cargo_make_runner.useCompactIcons: Use compact icons in the status bar.
cargo_make_runner.targetDirectory: The build directory. The release/debug/etc subdirectories are assumed to be in here. This is relative to the workspace.
cargo_make_runner.debuggerTypeWindows: The debugger to use for debugging on Windows.
cargo_make_runner.debuggerTypeLinux: The debugger to use for debugging on Linux.
cargo_make_runner.debuggerTypeMac: The debugger to use for debugging on Mac.
Known Issues
Must use a Makefile.toml file in the root directory. This may be relaxed in the future.
Various project structures may break the tool, but requires more testing.
Does not detect examples.
Makefile.toml task selection
Allow target selection to include example binaries