Check your coding style while you're coding.
Thanks to ronanboiteau's checker
🚀 Features
- [x] Lines with too many columns (> 80).
- [x] Forbidden files: every regular file that does not match Makefile, _.c or _.h (ex: _.o, _.gch, bsq, ...) & that is not mentioned in a .gitignore file located in your current working directory.
- [x] Too broad filenames (ex: string.c, algo.c, my_algorithm.c, ...).
- [x] Missing or corrupted header in sources files (.c), headers (.h) & Makefiles.
- [x] Functions that contain more than 20 lines.
- [x] Several semicolon-separated assignments on the same line.
- [x] Forbidden functions (printf(), dprintf(), atoi(), memcpy(), scanf(), strlen()...).
- [x] Trailing space(s) and/or tabulation(s) at the end of a line.
- [x] Filenames that don't respect the snake_case naming convention.
- [x] Condition and assignment on the same line.
- [x] Directory names that don't respect the snake_case naming convention.
- [x] Too many functions in file (> 5).
- [x] Functions with no parameters that don't take void as argument in their declaration.
- [x] Functions with too many arguments (> 4).
- [x] Space(s) in indentation.
- [x] Missing space after keyword.
- [x] Misplaced pointer symbol(s).
- [x] Macros used for constants.
- [x] Macros containing multiple assignments.
- [x] Too many else if statements.
- [x] Misplaced comments.
- [x] Missing space after comma.
- [x] Missing space around binary or ternary operator (=, ==, !=, <=, >=, &&, ||, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, ^=, |=, |, ^, >>, <<, >>=, <<=).
- [x] Extra space after unary operators (!, sizeof, ++, --).
- [x] Forbidden keyword (goto).
- [x] Functions must be separated by one and only one empty line in .c files.
- [x] Check he
Describe specific features of your extension including screenshots of your extension in action. Image paths are relative to this README file.
📝 Requirements
📦 Install
- Do CTRL + P on vscode.
- Past this
ext install lucasmarandat.epitech-coding-style-checker
- Open an project folder and enjoy !
😢 Have an issue ?
Write it here.
Pull requests are welcome !
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