This extensions' pack brings together all extensions required to collaborate on multiple projects inside a corporation. You can also use this pack on your project to help you learn best practices along the way.
List of extensions and their use-cases 🕹️
Eslint: Enforce ECMA script rules into IDE (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)
Prettier: Auto formater higly configurable (esbenp.prettier-vscode)
Sonarlint: Advanced code highlight to ensure best practices (SonarSource.sonarlint-vscode)
Prettier + Eslint: Auto configuration linking extensions (rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint)
Githistory: See the previous version of the file into the IDE (donjayamanne.githistory)
Gitblame: Hightlight who wrote the line, when and in which commit (waderyan.gitblame),
Gitlink: Get a link to the page in the git repository (qezhu.gitlink)
Gitmoji: Add emoji to label each commit by category (seatonjiang.gitmoji-vscode)
Contact 📨
If you have any questions related to this pack, or wish to submit an extension, feel free to send me an email at