this is an unofficial extension to manage premake projects

- install/manage multiple versions of premake at the same time.
- easaliy run premake actions
- auto detect premake5.lua
If you have any requirements or dependencies, add a section describing those and how to install and configure them.
installing test version
type >VSIX in the top bar and press enter and select the package.
run premake action
- premake.setversion
set the used premake version
- premake.action.default.set
set default premake action
run default premake action
- premake.cleanup
cleanup the .premake folder
opens a new premake5 terminal
- premake.terminal.get
gets an existing premake5 terminal or opens a new one
Extension Settings
github access
github is used to make it so you are not rate limited!
0.0.3 - alpha
the end of exams update (i passed all of them!)
- added vscode task support
- added the premake workspace explorer/viewer
- added premake5 terminal
- get new or existing terminal: ctrl+alt+p/cmd+alt+p
- get new terminal: ctrl+alt+m/cmd+alt+m
- get help for the terminal => just type: help
- moved from PremakeRunner to the new terminal.
- fixed bug where premake could no be executed on unix systems
- added workspace generation command (experimental/ ran out of time)
- added snippet for tasks
- added snippet for workspace and include
- general bug fixes
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