manimvs README
Yet another extension to add behavior that Grant used in the video regarding manimgGl
- Select a terminal in vscode where you are running
manimgl [] [scene] -se [liineNumber]
- Copy things on your clipboard and run
on the selected terminal
- if cursor on comment: copy everything up until next comment or EOF
- if cursor has selection: copy first selection
- if cursor is on any python line (NOT comment): copy that line
How to use
This extension exports two commands (you can find them with ctrl + shift + p
or cmd + shift + p
- ManimGl: Select Terminal
- ManimGl: On cursor CheckpointPaste
Open a terminal with the vscode integrated terminal, run manimgl [] [scene] -se [liineNumber]
, then:
ctrl + shift + p
-> ManimGl: select Terminal
: you will need to select the name of the terminal where you are running the above command
- go on a line of your code and run
ctrl + shift + p
-> ManimGl: On cursor CheckpointPaste
to execute manim code
Install manimgl
and run in a vscode managed terminal manimgl [] [scene] -se [liineNumber]
Extension Settings
It might be comfortable to setup a keybinding to run the checkpoint command, which is:
- manimvs.onCursorCheckpointPaste
Known Issues
Please be sure to select a terminal within vscode which is already running manimgl [] [scene] -se [liineNumber]
If you want to contribute, the extension is incredibly small and easy to get into. To be honest, this has been a good excuse for me
to make my first vscode extension.