fast-generate-angular README
Fast Generate Angular allow you to generate Angular Elements as a component, a directive with only a command which you can bind to a shortcut.
Example: generating a component
The requirement are:
- To be in an angular project folder
- To have a correct angular.json
- To have npm installed and angular locally (The extension use the command
ng of the node_module)
Extension Settings
Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.
For example:
This extension contributes the following settings:
fga.defaultElementToGenerate : Define what element should be the first to be shown
fga.shouldShowTerminal : Define if the terminal should be displayed or not when elements are generated
fga.shouldExecuteCommand : Define if commands should be executed directly
Known Issues
- Flags like
--inlineStyle are not considered at the moment
- Add support of flags like
- Add support of multiple project in a single angular.json
- Add more configurations
- Add support for multiple generation at once
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