This plugin aims to enhance the work efficiency of VSCode users by managing opened files, clipboard history, and bookmarks, providing a more convenient file and clipboard operation experience.
Main Features
Quick Access to Opened Files: Quickly access all previously opened files through the hotkey (alt+shift+o), facilitating easy switching between different files.
Bookmark Management: Supports quick bookmark addition and access. Users can add bookmarks at any location and quickly jump to the designated bookmark position through hotkeys or the bookmark panel. The bookmark feature is cross-file effective, similar to the bookmark experience in vim.
Quick Bookmark (Similar to Vim Bookmarks):
add: Use the command "BookmarkManager.addBookmark" with the argument "args": "a". Note: It is necessary to specify a bookmark parameter, which can be any character.
jump: Use the command "BookmarkManager.showBookmarkInFile" with the argument "args": "a". Note: You need to specify the bookmark parameter, which should be the same arbitrary character specified above.
It is recommended to assign shortcut keys to these two commands for faster access.
Regular Bookmark:
add: Use the command "BookmarkManager.addBookmark". Note: No parameters are required. The content at the current cursor position will automatically be added as a bookmark.
show all Regular bookmarks: Use the command "BookmarkManager.showBookmarks". This will bring up a list of all bookmarks, allowing you to search for previously added bookmarks.
Clipboard Cyclic Paste: Users can copy different content multiple times and switch and paste content from the clipboard history using the hotkey (alt+p), eliminating the need for repeated copy-paste operations.
Open Files with Specified Paths: Provides a command that allows users to quickly open files by specifying the file path, facilitating rapid navigation and file opening within a project.
Quick Navigation between Previous and Next Functions: Supports rapid jumping between functions using hotkeys, enhancing code browsing efficiency.
Unity Shader File Formatting: Supports formatting of Unity Shader (*.shader) files, assisting users in standardizing code formatting and improving code readability.