DittoLint READMEditto框架的代码检查工具 检查规则目前集成在插件中,具体检查规则文档详见:https://wiki.lianjia.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=808067809 Featuresditto框架代码使用检测 检测时机: 打开文件 修改文件(默认不执行,可配置打开,具体配置参见Extension Settings) 保存文件时触发检测(默认执行,可配置关闭,具体配置参见Extension Settings) RequirementsExtension Settings配置项在文件--首选项--设置 用户设置中修改 修改配置后请重启vscode
Known IssuesRelease Notes0.0.1Initial release of DittoLint 0.0.2bug修复:无法识别public等类修饰符 . 0.0.3功能修改:插件配置项减少only H5功能 . 0.0.4无重要修改. 0.0.5修改依赖 0.0.9修复插件依赖问题 Following extension guidelinesEnsure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension. Working with MarkdownNote: You can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:
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