MoJingScript README
The extension is a lint for script of Project Mojing.
Known issues
We don't have language server now.
Release Notes
First commit for MoJing basic script.
The EBNF Syntax of MoJingScript
Here we list the simplified EBNF Syntax.
ScriptList := ScriptItem ScriptList
ScriptItem := ScriptTitle ScriptContent
ScriptTitle := '{' CharSequence '-' CharSequence '}'
ScriptContent := ScriptLine ScriptContent
ScriptLine := ScriptAttribute | ScriptSentense
ScriptAttribute := '[' CharSequence '=' CharSequence ']'
ScriptSentense := '(' CharSequence ')' CharSequence
CharSequence := Char CharSequence
Char := 'a' | 'b' | ... | 'z' | '0' | '1' | .. | '9' | '-'
| |