A better way to read code, only press one key to: jump to declaration, navigate back and navigate forward.
Open Visual Studio Code
Press Ctrl + Shift + X to open the Extensions panel
Search for codenav
Click Install
Press Command + Shift + P to open the Command Palette
Search for Codenav: Enable and select it to enable plugin function to read code quickly and can't edit code.
Search for Codenav: Disable and select it to disable plugin function to the normal mode.
The status bar will show current status: codenav:on or codenav:off.
Key Bindings
When you have enabled codenav, you can use the following key bindings:
s => jump to declaration, use vscode command: editor.action.goToDeclaration
a => jump to implementation, use vscode command: editor.action.goToImplementation
d => navigate back, use vscode command: workbench.action.navigateBack
f => navigate forward, use vscode command: workbench.action.navigateForward
r => go to source definition, only effect in ts or js project, use vscode command: typescript.goToSourceDefinition
h => cursorLeft
j => cursorDown
k => cursorUp
l => cursorRight
i => to the edit(normal) mode
o => editor.action.insertLineAfter, then to the edit(normal) mode
O => editor.action.insertLineBefore, then to the edit(normal) mode
When you have enabled codenav, you can switch between the following modes:
Readonly Mode: Press Esc to switch to readonly mode. In this mode, you cannot edit the code, and the key bindings behave like vim.
Normal Mode: Press i to switch to normal mode. In this mode, you can edit the code, and the key bindings behave like normal Visual Studio Code key bindings.