VS Code extension to extract GraphQL queries from files and generate client-side queries and TypeScript types code for them..
Generate client queries from gql scheam
Generate typescript types from gql scheam
Generate apis function from gql scheam
User can create gql-extract.config.json file to using some futures
Open your workspace folder and follow the steps:
First step: Type CTRL+Shift+P.
Second step: Type gql extract and press Enter.
Third step: Wait while your queries files and types files to be generated.
The extension wil create two folders:
queries folder: for all client queries files.
types folder: for types files.
config file
You can create gql-extract.config.json file in the root of your project to:
choose where the types must be saved.
choose where the queries must be saved.
choose where the apis function must be saved.
set the apis option "apollo" to create apis functions.
set apollo fetchPolicy "fetchPolicy", the default value is "no-cache".
I'll add other apis option soon, inshallah.
Example for config file:
"queriesFolderName": "FOLDER_NAME",
"typesFolderName": "FOLDER_NAME",
"apisFolderName": "FOLDER_NAME if you set the apis option",
"apis": "apollo",
"fetchPolicy": "no-cache"