Merge kv files and generate json copies for panorama purpose
Merge KV Files (extension.generatekvfiles): Merge all the .txt files from npc\abilities, npc\units, npc\heroes and npc\items into their respective npc_abilities_custom.txt, npc_units_custom.txt, npc_heroes_custom.txt and npc_items_custom.txt
Generate JS Files (extension.generatejsonfiles): Generate a JS version of the npc_abilities_custom.txt, npc_units_custom.txt, npc_heroes_custom.txt and npc_items_custom.txt, the generated files are placed into specified directory kvgenerator.jsonOutputDirectory
Merge KV and generate JS Files (extension.generatekvandjsonfiles): Both merge all the KV and then generate the JS files.
Extension Settings
kvgenerator.jsonOutputDirectory: Specify the location where the generated JSON files will be placed ; Can contain ${workspaceFolder} for vscode workspace related path ; Requires a path with backlashes \.
Release Notes
My first vscode extension
Initial release ...
JSON files are now using the .js extension and are formatted into JS Objects.
JS Objects are now automatically placed into GameUI.CustomUIConfig() using DOTAAbilities, DOTAHeroes, DOTAItems and DOTAUnits