Skeleton SnippetsDrops a living skeleton with a html body inside your vscode What?It's okay. "You should use Skeleton if you're embarking on a smaller project or just don't feel like you need all the utility of larger frameworks" - Skeleton CSS
Skeleton Snippets extension will generate a html template including CDN for Skeleton CSS, Font Awesome and a light Google font shown below. To generate start typing To use the Google font family included, create a css directory and inside the css file referenced include:
Customize as desired, :) Release NotesBelow are incremental areas of note in the history of the extension skeleton 1.0.0In the initial release 1.0.1Fixed azure issues. 1.0.2Updated readme. 1.0.3Fixed body bug. Thanks to Granson! Search by publisher's name to view extension on Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
LicenceThis app is protected by MIT licence. |