Autocompletion for hybris types, hybris type attributes
fsql Formatter
See the definition of a hybris type, an alias
Auto fix actions for 1 as conditions instead of 1 = 1
Please provide a connectable hybris before using the extension.
Extension Settings
vscode-hybris-tools.hac.url: The URL to the hybris HAC extension.
vscode-hybris-tools.hac.username: The username used for logging in the HAC.
vscode-hybris-tools.hac.password: The password used for logging in the HAC.
vscode-hybris-tools.http.timeout: The HTTP socket timeout.
vscode-hybris-tools.http.useStrictSSL: Use strict SSL.
vscode-hybris-tools.offline.typeCodes: The type codes for offline types autocompletion. e.g. ["OfflineType", "HelloWorld"]
The following is the default settings.
"vscode-hybris-tools.hac.url": "https://localhost:9012/hac",
"vscode-hybris-tools.hac.username": "admin",
"vscode-hybris-tools.hac.password": "nimda",
"vscode-hybris-tools.http.timeout": 10000,
"vscode-hybris-tools.http.useStrictSSL": false,
"vscode-hybris-tools.offline.typeCodes": [
// To have autocompletion in snippets, you need to have this false.
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
"editor.suggestSelection": "first"
Known Issues
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