Snippets for Cisco NSO MVR-v2 framework
Generates the snippets for the MVR-v2 code
MVR imports
Imports the required parent classes for the workflow code
prefix: mvrimport
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from mvr_v2.common.utils import (Correlator, Dict2, Dx, MvrInit, MvrWf,
TemplateEngine, XQuery)
MVR main workflow class
This is where the main workflow of the data extraction, correlation and template application is performed. These should be performed under the execute method
prefix: mvrwf
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from mvr_v2.common.utils import (Correlator, Dict2, Dx, MvrInit, MvrWf,
TemplateEngine, XQuery)
class Main(MvrWf):
Main Execution Flow. This is where the logic resides.
def execute(self, _input_obj):
This method call triggers the execution
_m = MvrInit()
input_obj = _m >> _input_obj
return _m
Create a Dx Class
Data extraction class. Number of args
prefix: mvrdx
class Classname(Dx):
def __init__(self, *args) -> None:
def data_source(self, *args) -> XQuery:
self.q.xpath = f"/devices/device[name={arg1!r}]/config/ip/vrf[name={arg2!r}]"
self.q.params = {
"param-name": "relative-path-to-desired-node",
return self.q
def compute_vars(self, _p: Dict2) -> Union[Dict, Dict2]:
return _p
def devices_to_be_synced(self, _p: Dict2) -> List:
return []
Create a Correlator Class
MVR Correlator Class. Accesses all the Dx datasets and correlates, producing one or more payload instances.
prefix: mvrcorrelator
class Classname(Correlator):
def execute(self, data):
payload = []
for _i in data.primary_data_set:
_instance = self.payload_instance()
# list comprehension filtering
data_set_1 = []
data_set_2 = []
data_set_3 = []
# the add method accepts a Dict, Dict2 or a List object
# or
# _instance.add_multiple([_i,data_set_1,data_set_2,data_set_3])
return payload
Create a TemplateEngine Class
MVR Correlator Class. Accesses all the Dx datasets and correlates, producing one or more payload instances.
prefix: mvrtemplate
class Classname(TemplateEngine):
def settings(self):
self.templates = ["example"]
def format_single_commit_comment(self, _input) -> str:
# return _input.device_name
return 'test'
def format_splitted_commit_comment(self, _single_payload_instance) -> str:
#return _single_payload_instance.interface_id
return 'test'
Release Notes
Initial release of mvr-v2 snippets