DevboxSailos Devbox is a remote development&production environment that helps you develop and deploy your projects. This plugin support connection and management of Devbox.
Usage1. Connect to the remote environmentLogin to the Sailos Devbox and create new Devbox. Then you can connect to the Devbox by your own IDE in the list page. After that, you can use the Devbox just like your local environment. 2. Develop your project just like your local environment.3. Get your port export resultYou can use local port forwarding supported by VSCode or Cursor to get your own page. If you want to share your port (maybe a page or an API) with others,you can update your network config in Sailos Devbox Website to export your port in public network. you can update a public port or there is a preset default public export port(Different runtime has a different default public export port). RequirementsYou need to install Known Issues