鲲鹏 DevKit 插件鲲鹏 DevKit 插件安装完成后,请单击侧边栏中鲲鹏 DevKit 图标启用。 基于 Visual Studio Code 为开发者提供面向鲲鹏平台进行应用软件开发、迁移、性能加速、编译调试、性能调优、亲和分析等一系列端到端工具,即插即用。
功能简介鲲鹏 Devkit 是一款提供涵盖代码迁移、开发调试、编译、测试、调优及诊断等各环节的开发使能工具集,方便开发者快速开发出鲲鹏亲和的高性能软件。同时,帮助开发者加速应用迁移和算力升级,面向全研发作业流程,提升应用迁移和调优效率,加速原生开发。 鲲鹏 DevKit 支持的扩展工具如下:
免责声明1. 适用范围本许可协议(下称“本协议”)用于约定您及您有权代表的公司(统称为“您”或“您的”)与华为技术有限公司及其子公司(统称为“华为”)之间关于在中华人民共和国境内的鲲鹏硬件上对鲲鹏开发套件 DevKit(下称”DevKit”)的非排他的使用。您同意本协议的约定,方可下载、安装以及按照本协议约定使用 DevKit。如果您不同意本协议的约定或者您没有本协议约定的上述缔约资格,请不要下载、安装以及按照本协议约定使用 DevKit。本协议不适用于 DevKit 中所包含的开源软件。 2. 定义2.1 DevKit 是指由华为主导开发、维护、并在本协议所在的网页发布的可用于鲲鹏硬件的 DevKit 软件、文档、软件产品序列号等及其更新。DevKit 包含可执行文件代码、源代码、示例源代码和预发布版本 DevKit 等。 在 DevKit 中包含的第三方软件,也可能受单独的许可条款管辖,包括但不限于第三方许可条款。如果本协议中的条款与第三方许可条款之间存在任何冲突,则第三方许可条款仅应在解决冲突所需的范围内适用。 2.2 用户是指与华为签订本协议下载 DevKit,并使用该 DevKit 的个人或实体。 2.3 软件即服务(SaaS)是指通过网络提供软件服务。 2.4 目标代码是指二进制形式的计算机可执行的程序代码。 2.5 源代码是指按照程序设计语言规范编写的、未编译的、人类可读的软件代码。 2.6 示例源代码是指作为样例的代码,这部分代码没有经过测试或验证,纯粹作为编程示例提供的代码。 2.7 预发布版本 DevKit 是指在产品发行说明、华为材料下载网站或其他地方标记为预发行、原型、alpha 或 beta 代码的材料或材料的相关部分。因此,预发布版本 DevKit 中的代码(i)可能没有完全功能或测试,可能包含错误或缺陷;(ii)华为在开发生产版本时可能会对其进行实质性修改;或(iii)华为不保证它将开发或提供相应的生产版本。 2.8 开源软件(Open Source Software)是指任何受“开源许可证”约束的源代码或者目标码。DevKit 中以源代码形式、非公开分发的软件不属于开源软件。开源许可证(Open Source License)是指满足下列任一条件的许可证:(i)要求许可人允许任何人对被许可软件或其修改部分、或集成被许可软件的软件进行反向工程;(ii)要求以源代码形式分发或者免费分发被许可软件或其修改部分、或集成被许可软件的软件。 2.9 鲲鹏硬件是指集成有华为鲲鹏处理器,并经华为认证的硬件设备,包含但不限于服务器、高性能计算集群、大数据平台和分布式存储系统等。 2.10 DevKit 中的标识包含但不限于商标。 2.11 云服务是指使用鲲鹏硬件对外提供 IT 资源与能力的服务。 2.12 云服务提供商是指提供云服务的实体。 3. 许可范围3.1 对用户,华为授权您: (1)下载、安装 DevKit; (2)基于 DevKit 将软件迁移至鲲鹏硬件; (3)基于 DevKit 开发在鲲鹏硬件上运行的软件; (4)基于 DevKit 编译在鲲鹏硬件上运行的软件; (5)基于 DevKit 测试在鲲鹏硬件上运行的软件; (6)基于 DevKit 诊断在鲲鹏硬件上运行的软件; (7)基于 DevKit 以其他方式使用在鲲鹏硬件上运行的软件。 4. 使用限制4.1 除本协议明确约定外,您不得: (1)使用、复制、披露、分发或公开展示 DevKit; (2)共享、发布、出租或租赁 DevKit 给任何第三方; (3)转让您在本协议中的权利及义务或转让 DevKit; (4)全部或部分修改、改编或翻译 DevKit; (5)逆向工程、反编译或反汇编 DevKit,或试图以其他方式导出 DevKit 软件的源代码; (6)规避或破解 DevKit 中的任何技术限制; (7)将 DevKit 用于非鲲鹏硬件; (8)将集成 DevKit 的软件运行到非鲲鹏硬件; (9)集成 DevKit 的软件通过修改、翻译等方式用于非鲲鹏硬件; (10)删除、最小化、阻止或修改 DevKit 材料中华为或其供应商的任何通知; (11)将 DevKit 包括在恶意、欺骗或非法的计划或产品中,或以任何违法的方式使用 DevKit; (12)修改、创建衍生作品、链接、集成或分发非开源的 DevKit,使其任何部分成为开源软件; (13)以源代码的形式独立分发或与其他软件集成分发 DevKit 中非开源软件; (14)直接或间接将 DevKit 用于 SaaS 服务向第三方开放访问或使用 DevKit 的服务; (15)将基于本协议获得的 DevKit 用于针对华为或华为客户的知识产权侵权分析、取证; (16) 未经华为书面同意公开 DevKit 相关数据,包括但不限于性能评估数据; (17)使用批量下载工具,爬虫工具等下载 DevKit;或者 (18)使用动态指令转换的方式将 DevKit 或集成了 DevKit 的软件运行在非鲲鹏硬件。 4.2 您不得用 DevKit 及华为的品牌为您开发的软件或提供的服务提供质量保证。您将对使用您开发的软件或提供的服务的客户全权负责任何更新、支持义务或其他因分销您的产品或服务而产生的义务或责任,您将在因您开发的软件或提供的服务所引发的争议或诉讼中为华为提供辩护,使其免受任何索赔、诉讼或费用支出。 4.3 如果您收到预发布版本 DevKit,您可以按照约定复制合理数量的副本,并将预发布版本 DevKit 仅用于评估和测试目的。您不得:(i)修改或将预发布版本 DevKit 集成到您的产品;(ii)一旦商业版本 DevKit 发布,继续使用预发布版本 DevKit;或(iii)向任何第三方披露任何基准、性能结果,或与预发布版本 DevKit 相关的其他信息。华为可自行决定以书面形式放弃这些限制;但是,如果您决定在您的产品中使用预发布版本 DevKit(即使华为放弃),您承认并同意您对此类使用导致的所有问题负全部责任。 4.4 您承认并同意,您在本协议允许的情况下使用 DevKit 或按照本协议约定与您的产品集成并分发约定数量的 DevKit,可能要求您从持有适用于任何媒体解码、编码或转码技术(例如,使用音频或视频编解码器)的知识产权的权利人和/或材料的数字版权管理功能(如果有)的权利人获得许可。如果需要任何此类许可,您全权负责获得任何此类许可,并同意自费获得任何此类许可,华为不为您侵犯第三方的上述知识产权的行为承担任何责任。 4.5 本协议授权您的各项权利,除非获得华为的书面同意,否则不可转让。您只能在所有权变更、合并、收购、出售或转让您的全部或实质上全部业务或资产的同时,才可将您根据本协议收到的 DevKit 以及您在本协议下的所有权利转让给另一方(统称为“受让人”),但您将根据本协议收到的 DevKit 以及您在本协议下的所有权利转让给另一方,需要遵循以下约束:您必须通过向华为发送信函书面通知华为转让:(i)确定受让人和您的法律实体,(ii)确定要转让的 DevKit 和相关序列号,(iii)证明您不保留 DevKit 或其部分的副本,(iv)证明受让人已书面同意受本协议所有条款和条件的约束。 5. 材料更新华为可随时对 DevKit 进行更新。除非这些更新包含独立的许可条款,否则这些更新视为本协议中的 DevKit 的一部分,适用于本协议。您同意华为对 DevKit 的更新,不需要事先对您进行通知。尽管华为通常会保证 DevKit 版本的兼容性,但不排除在一些情况下,华为对 DevKit 的更新会引入对 DevKit 未来版本的不兼容。 6. 所有权DevKit 及其所有副本的所有权归华为所有。本 DevKit 受知识产权保护,包括但不限于版权法和国际条约规定。您不得从材料中删除任何版权或其他专有通知。您同意防止任何未经授权的复制材料。除在本协议中明确授权您的权利外,本协议不授予您任何其他权利或许可;特别是,华为不授予您任何明显或暗示的华为专利、版权、商标或商业秘密权利。 7. 反馈您同意根据您使用 DevKit 提供给华为的任何材料、信息、评论、建议或其他通信(统称通信),您在此授予华为非独占、永久的、不可撤销、免费的版权许可,华为可以基于您提供的通信复制、修改、创建衍生作品、公开展示、披露、分发、许可和分许可,通过多层分销和被分许可人,将通信及其包含的所有数据、图像、声音、文本和其他东西,包括其衍生作品,用于任何和所有商业或非商业目的,并以其他方式使用。如果您根据您使用 DevKit 提供给华为的通信,与特性、功能相关,您在此授予华为非独占的、永久的、不可撤销的、免费的专利许可及分许可权利。 8. 保密义务如果您与华为之间就使用 DevKit 没有签订独立的保密协议,本协议以下约定将适用您使用 DevKit 要遵从的保密条款。本协议中约定的 DevKit 是华为的机密信息,这些 DevKit 仅用于根据本协议进行使用的目的。您将以至少与您保护自己的机密和专有信息相同的谨慎程度维护华为机密信息的机密性,并且这种谨慎程度要至少达到合理程度。您将仅向需要了解并同意遵守保密条款的员工披露机密信息,您将对任何此类员工的违反本协议约定的行为负责。就本协议而言,术语“员工”将包括与您签署保密协议的您的独立承包商。 9. 责任限制与排除在任何情况下,华为不对您根据本协议使用 DevKit 而产生或与之相关的任何直接、间接、附带、后果、特殊或其他损失或损害负责,包括但不限于,下列任何损失或损害(无论此类损失或损害是预见的、可预见的、已知的或其他的):(i)收入损失;(ii)实际或预期利润损失;(ii)货币使用损失;(iv)预期节约的损失;(v)业务损失;(vi)机会损失;(vii)商誉损失;(viii)软件的使用损失;(ix)声誉损失;(x)损失、损害,或数据损坏;或(xi)任何间接、附带的特殊或间接损害损失。 10. 不保证10.1 本协议中的 DevKit,华为不提供任何明示、暗示的保证,包括关于适销性、适用于任何特定目的的保证或条件、不侵权或因任何交易过程、贸易使用、建议书、规范或样品而产生的任何保证。 10.2 除法律另有明确规定外,华为不保证 DevKit 中的软件(包括但不限于第三方软件或开源软件)无错误或不间断地运行,华为将积极响应并提供在 DevKit 生命周期内出现的影响产品使用的重大软件漏洞的缓解措施或修补方案,但不保证华为会测试、纠正所有错误。此外,由于不断出现新的入侵和攻击网络的技术,华为不保证 DevKit 或使用 DevKit 的任何设备、系统或网络不会受到入侵或攻击。 11. 期限和终止11.1 本协议自您接受本协议之日起生效。如果您违反了本协议任何条款和条件,并且在华为书面通知后三十(30)天内,此类违规行为未得到纠正,华为可立即终止本协议,您将承担由此给华为造成的损失,该损失包含诉讼费和律师费。 11.2 如果您在本协议期间发起针对华为的诉讼或对第三方使用的 DevKit 本身提起诉讼,本协议在您发起诉讼之日起自动终止。 11.3 您将同意您为 DevKit 提供与本协议至少同等的保护,如果您的客户在销售、使用您开发的集成了 DevKit 的软件的过程中,或者销售、使用安装了 DevKit 的鲲鹏硬件的过程中出现违反本协议约定的行为或其他侵犯 DevKit 知识产权的行为,您将及时采取措施制止上述行为。如果您未采取有效措施,华为可终止本协议。您将承担上述行为给华为造成的损失,该损失包含诉讼费和律师费。 11.4 您将同意,除您承担上述给华为造成的损失外,针对上述行为,华为还有权采取禁令的方式进行救济。 11.5 本协议终止后,您将立即返还或销毁 DevKit 及其所有副本。如果本协议终止,则在终止生效日期之前,您根据本协议条款和条件分发的任何 DevKit 将在本协议的任何此类终止后继续有效。 11.6 本协议第 1、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12 条将在本协议到期或终止后继续有效。 12. 审计您同意,华为可在发出书面通知三十(30)日后,将有权对您 DevKit 的使用情况进行审计。审计的重点为包含但不限于软件的功能、应用、备份、归档记录、安装数量、复制数量、分发数量等。华为有权指定第三方代理行使上述审计权利。您同意配合华为审计并提供合理的协助。您同意提供包括但不限于帐簿、报表、合同、技术支持文档、订单报告系统等给华为。 13. 出口管制13.1 您同意本协议中约定的 DevKit 只应用于运行在中华人民共和国境内的鲲鹏硬件;如果您是授权用户并且作为云服务提供商,您同意运行只向中华人民共和国境内提供 DevKit 所支持的服务。 13.2 您同意本协议中约定的 DevKit 的出口、再出口可能适用出口管制相关的法律。任何针对 DevKit 或集成 DevKit 的产品的出口、再出口均不得违反上述法律,也不得用于上述法律所禁止的任何目的。 14. 一般条款14.1 本协议应根据中华人民共和国法律解释、理解和管辖。本协议下产生的争议如双方不能友好协商解决,应由中国广东省深圳市有管辖权的法院管辖。 14.2 本协议的某一条款无效、非法或不可执行,双方应尽可能按照原有意图订立修改条款来替代该无效条款,协议中其余条款的效力和执行力不受该无效条款的影响。 Kunpeng DevKitAfter the Kunpeng DevKit is installed, click the Kunpeng DevKit icon in the sidebar to use the tool. Based on Visual Studio Code, Kunpeng DevKit provides developers with a series of end-to-end and plug-and-play tools for application software development, porting, compilation and debugging, and performance tuning on the Kunpeng platform.
Version RequirementsThis plugin must run with backend services which must be installed on the Kunpeng server. The version mapping is as follows:
Obtain the backend service installation packages using the following methods:
FunctionsKunpeng DevKit provides a series of tools covering code porting, development and debugging, compilation, testing, tuning, and diagnosis, enabling you to quickly build high-performance Kunpeng-compatible software. It facilitates application porting to the more efficient Kunpeng computing platform, which brings native development experience. The Kunpeng DevKit consists of the following extension tools:
Disclaimer1. Application ScopeThis License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (an individual or a business entity) and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., including its subsidiaries ("Huawei") for the non-exclusive use of the Kunpeng DevKit ("DevKit") on Kunpeng hardware in the People's Republic of China. By downloading, installing, or using the DevKit, you acknowledge that you have read the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, and agree to be legally bound by this Agreement. If you do not agree to this Agreement or you do not have the authority to agree to this Agreement, do not install or use the DevKit. This Agreement does not apply to the open source software included in the DevKit. 2. Definitions2.1 DevKit refers to the DevKit software, documents, software product serial numbers, and related updates that are developed and maintained by Huawei and released on the website where this Agreement is published, for licensed use on Kunpeng hardware. The DevKit contains executable file code, source code, sample source code, and the pre-release DevKit. Third-party software included in the DevKit may be governed by separate license terms, including but not limited to third-party license terms. In the event of any conflicting terms between this Agreement and that of a third-party license, the terms of the third-party license prevails only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. 2.2 Users refer to individuals or entities that have entered into this Agreement with Huawei to download and use the DevKit. 2.3 Software as a Service (SaaS) refers to the provision of software services over the Internet. 2.4 Object code refers to computer-executable binary program code. 2.5 Source code refers to software code that is written in a programming language, which is not compiled and is human readable. 2.6 Sample source code refers to code that is used as a programming example only and is not tested or verified. 2.7 Pre-release DevKit refers to materials or parts of the materials identified as pre-release, prototype, alpha, or beta code in product release notes, on Huawei websites, or elsewhere. Therefore, (i) the code in the pre-release DevKit may not be fully functional or tested and may contain errors or defects; (ii) Huawei may substantially modify the code when developing a production version; or (iii) Huawei does not guarantee that a corresponding production version will be developed or provided. 2.8 Open source software refers to any source code or object code that is subject to an open source license. DevKit software that is source code but not publicly distributed is not considered as open source software.Open source license refers to any license that allows (i) reverse engineering on the licensed software, modified parts thereof, or software that is integrated with the licensed software; or (ii) distribution of the licensed software, modified parts thereof, or software that is integrated with the licensed software in the form of source code, or free of charge. 2.9 Kunpeng hardware refers to Huawei-certified hardware devices that integrate Huawei Kunpeng processors, including but not limited to servers, high-performance computing clusters, big data platforms, and distributed storage systems. 2.10 Identifiers in the DevKit include but are not limited to trademarks. 2.11 Cloud services refer to any services that use Kunpeng hardware to provide IT resources and capabilities. 2.12 Cloud service providers refer to any entities that provide cloud services. 3. License Scope3.1 Huawei grants permissions to authorized users to: (1) download and install the DevKit; (2) use the DevKit to migrate software to Kunpeng hardware; (3) use the DevKit to develop software that runs on Kunpeng hardware; (4) use the DevKit to compile software that runs on Kunpeng hardware; (5) use the DevKit to test software that runs on Kunpeng hardware; (6) use the DevKit to diagnose software that runs on Kunpeng hardware; or (7) use the DevKit to exploit software in other ways that runs on Kunpeng hardware. 4. Limitations4.1 Unless otherwise expressly set forth herein, you shall not: (1) use, copy, disclose, distribute, or publicly display the DevKit; (2) share, release, lease, or rent the DevKit to any third party; (3) transfer your rights and obligations under this Agreement or transfer the DevKit; (4) modify, adapt, or translate the DevKit in whole or in part; (5) reversely engineer, decompile, or disassemble the DevKit, or attempt to export the source code of DevKit in other ways; (6) circumvent or crack any technical restrictions in the DevKit; (7) use the DevKit on non-Kunpeng hardware; (8) run software integrated with the DevKit on non-Kunpeng hardware; (9) modify or translate software integrated with the DevKit and then run it on non-Kunpeng hardware; (10) delete, minimize, block, or modify any notice from Huawei or its suppliers in DevKit materials; (11) violate any applicable laws, rules or regulations in connection with your access to or use of the DevKit in malicious, deceptive, or other illegal means; (12) modify, create derivative works of, link, integrate, or distribute the non–open source DevKit to make any part of it open-source; (13) separately distribute source code of non–open source software in the DevKit or integrate it with other software for distribution; (14) directly or indirectly use the DevKit as SaaS to allow third parties to access or use DevKit services; (15) use the DevKit obtained under this Agreement for intellectual property right infringement analysis and evidence collection against Huawei or Huawei's customers; (16) disclose DevKit-related data without prior written consent from Huawei, including but not limited to performance evaluation data; (17) use batch download tools or crawler tools to obtain the DevKit; or (18) run the DevKit or software integrated with the DevKit on non-Kunpeng hardware through dynamic instruction conversion. 4.2 You shall not use the DevKit or the Huawei brand to provide quality assurance for self-developed software or services. You agree to be solely responsible for any updates, support, or other obligations, and liabilities or damage arising from the distribution of your self-developed software or services. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Huawei harmless from any claims, lawsuits, or expenses in any dispute or lawsuit arising from your self-developed software and services. 4.3 If the DevKit you obtained under this Agreement is the pre-release DevKit, you can copy a reasonable number of copies as agreed and use them for evaluation and test purposes only. You shall not: (i) modify or integrate the pre-release DevKit into your product; (ii) continue to use the pre-release DevKit after the commercial DevKit is released; or (iii) disclose any benchmark or performance results to any third party, or other information related to the pre-release DevKit. Huawei may, in its sole discretion, waive these limitations in writing. However, if you decide to use the pre-release DevKit in your product (even if Huawei waives these limitations), you shall acknowledge and agree that you are fully liable for all problems arising from such uses. 4.4 You acknowledge and agree that you use the DevKit or integrate and distribute the agreed number of copies of the DevKit with your products in compliance with this Agreement. You may require licenses from owners of intellectual property rights applicable to any media decoding, encoding, or transcoding technology (for example, using an audio or video codec) and/or from owners of digital right management functions (if any) for the materials. If any such license is required, you are fully responsible for obtaining any such license and agree to obtain any such license at your own expense. Huawei is not liable for your infringement of the aforementioned intellectual property rights of third parties. 4.5 Huawei grants you a non-transferable right strictly under the terms set out in this Agreement, and shall not be transferred unless you have obtained written consent from Huawei. You may transfer the DevKit obtained under the scope of this Agreement to another party ("assignee") only when whole or a substantial part of ownership of your whole business or assets is changed, merged, acquired, sold, or transferred. Before you transfer the DevKit and all your rights under this Agreement to the assignee, you shall notify Huawei in writing (i.e. a letter) and clarify and confirm (i) details of the assignee and your legal entity; (ii) the DevKit with their serial numbers to be transferred, (iii) that you will not retain any copy of the DevKit or part thereof, and (iv) that the assignee agrees in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 5. UpdatesHuawei reserves the right to update the DevKit at any time and these changes will become effective immediately. Unless updates contain separate license terms, these updates shall be deemed to be part of the DevKit governed by this Agreement. Your continued use of the DevKit will bind you to such changes and you should regularly visit the website to review the latest Terms of Use. Although Huawei usually ensures the compatibility between versions, in some cases, such updates may introduce incompatibility with future versions of the DevKit. 6. OwnershipAll materials related to the DevKit and all copies thereof are owned by Huawei or relevant parties. Any unauthorized use of the content may violate Huawei's copyright, trademark, or related international laws. You are not allowed to remove any copyright or other proprietary content from the materials, except for the purposes specified herein, and you agree to prevent any unauthorized reproduction. Huawei does not grant you any explicit or implied rights to Huawei patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets. 7. FeedbackBy using the DevKit, you agree to grant Huawei a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, and free copyright license based on any materials, information, comments, or other forms ("correspondences") you provide to Huawei. Huawei and related partners have the right to copy, modify, create derivatives of, display, disclose, distribute, license, sub-license and otherwise use the correspondences and data (image, audio, text, and other content) and derivative works, for any and all commercial or non-commercial purposes in any medium. If the correspondences you provide to Huawei based on your use of the DevKit are feature- and function-related, you hereby grant Huawei non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, free patent licensing and sub-licensing rights. 8. Confidentiality ObligationsIf you do not enter into a separate non-disclosure agreement with Huawei for the use of the DevKit, the following terms of this Agreement shall apply to your use of the DevKit. The DevKit specified in this Agreement shall be regarded as confidential information belonging to Huawei. It shall be used only for purposes specified in this Agreement. You must protect Huawei's confidential information with a reasonable degree of caution that is at least equivalent to the degree of caution with which you protect your own confidential and proprietary information. You may disclose confidential information only to employees who understand and agree to comply with the confidentiality terms. You are liable for any violation of this Agreement by such employees. In this Agreement, the term "employees" includes your independent contractors who have signed a non-disclosure agreement with you. 9. Limitation or Exclusion of LiabilitiesUnder no circumstances shall Huawei be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or incidental, consequence, special or other loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance of the DevKit under this Agreement. The above losses or damages include, but are not limited to, any of the following loss or damage foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise: (i) income; (ii) actual or anticipated profits; (iii) use of currency; (iv) expected savings; (v) business; (vi) opportunities; (vii) goodwill; (viii) software use; (ix) damage to reputation; (x) data corruption; or (xi) any consequential, incidental, or special damage and loss. 10. No Warranties10.1 This Agreement is "as-is" without any warranty, explicit or implied, including warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, non-infringement, or any warranty arising out of any course of transaction, trade use, proposal, specification, or sample. 10.2 Unless otherwise specified by laws, Huawei does not warrant that (i) the software (including but not limited to third-party software or open-source software) in the DevKit will be uninterrupted or error-free; (ii) fixes will be tested or all errors will be corrected in the event of major software vulnerabilities that have impacts on other products during the DevKit lifecycle; and (iii) the DevKit or any device, system, or network that uses the DevKit will not be intruded or attacked, because transfer of information over the Internet is not completely secure. 11. Term and Termination11.1 This Agreement is effective from the date you acknowledge or accept this Agreement or otherwise use the DevKit. If you violate any terms or conditions of this Agreement and such violations are not corrected within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice from Huawei, Huawei holds the right to immediately terminate this Agreement and you shall bear the losses incurred to Huawei, including litigation costs and attorney fees. 11.2 If you initiate a lawsuit against Huawei or against the DevKit used by a third party within the term of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be automatically terminated from the date you initiate the lawsuit. 11.3 You agree to provide the DevKit with at least the same protection as that provided by this Agreement. In the event of any violation to the terms of this Agreement or the intellectual property rights of the DevKit when your customers sell or use the DevKit-integrated software you developed or Kunpeng hardware installed with the DevKit, you will take measures to stop the behavior immediately. If you fail to take effective measures, Huawei may terminate this Agreement. You shall bear the losses caused to Huawei by the above behavior, including litigation costs and attorney fees. 11.4 In addition, you agree that Huawei has the right to seek injunctive relief. 11.5 Upon termination of this Agreement, you shall immediately return or destroy the DevKit, all related materials, and copies thereof. In such event, any copy of the DevKit distributed by you in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement prior to the termination date shall survive any termination. 11.6 Terms 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 herein shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 12. AuditYou agree that Huawei has the right to audit your use of the DevKit thirty (30) days after sending a written notice to you. The audit focuses on but is not limited to software uses, application scenarios, backup and archiving records, and the number of times the software is installed, copied, and distributed. Huawei has the right to designate a third-party agent to exercise the above audit rights. You agree to cooperate with Huawei's audit and provide reasonable assistance and provide Huawei with information including but not limited to ledgers, reports, contracts, technical support documents, and order reporting systems. 13. Export Control13.1 You agree that the DevKit governed by this Agreement shall only be used on Kunpeng hardware in the People's Republic of China. If you are an authorized user and a cloud service provider, you agree to run services supported by the DevKit only in the People's Republic of China. 13.2 You agree that the export and re-export of the DevKit governed by this Agreement shall be subject to export control laws. Any export or re-export of the DevKit or products integrated with the DevKit must not violate the applicable laws or be used for any purpose prohibited by such laws. 14. General Terms14.1 This Agreement shall be interpreted, understood and governed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China, and will not satisfy the laws of any other country. Any dispute between the parties arising out of this Agreement, if they cannot be settled through friendly negotiation, shall be governed by a court with jurisdiction in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China. 14.2 If any term of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unexecutable, both Parties shall make amendments to replace the invalid terms according to the original intent. The effectiveness and enforceability of the remaining terms herein will not be affected. |