vscode-container-wasm: Containers on VSCode for the Web
A VSCode extension for running containers on VSCode for the Web, relying on container2wasm for container to wasm conversion.
This is an experimental software.
This extension runs containers on VSCode for the Web and provides Terminal to interact to it.
The containers run in the WebAssembly VM on browser so you don't need prepare remote containers.
HTTP(S) networking is also available in the container with restrictions by the browser (CORS-restricted and no control over Forbidden headers) (see also "Limitation" section).
Run > Run Container On Browser in the command pallete. Then the container will be launched with the Terminal (can take some time to start the container).
How to use
For repository visitors:
Open github.dev for the repo (if using . shortcut key, ?vscode-coi=on needs to be manually added to the URL (this extension relies on SharedArrayBuffer))
Install this extension
Launch a container by invoking > Run Container On Browser
For repository maintainers:
Option A:
Convert a container image to Wasm format using container2wasm converter. (e.g. c2w ubuntu:22.04 out.wasm)
Upload that Wasm image to a HTTP(S) server accessible from VSCode for the Web.
Set container.imageLocation (in .vscode/settings.json) to the URL of that image.
Option B:
Upload container image in OCI Image Layout to a HTTP(S) server accessible from the browser. Or you can use registry configured to allow CORS access.
Set container.containerImage (in .vscode/settings.json) to the URL of that image. Or if you used the registry as the server, write the image reference (i.e. <registry>/<image-path>:<tag>) there.
container.containerImagestring : Address of container image
container.helperImageLocationstring : Specify the URI of the Wasm-formatted networking helper image.
container.helperImageWithDecompressionbool : Set true if the helper image needs decompression
This extension relies on SharedArrayBuffer. ?vscode-coi=on query is needed for github.dev to make this extension work.
Networking from the container is limited to HTTP(S) and restricted by the browser's security rule (CORS-restricted, no control over Forbidden headers). Please see also the docs in container2wasm.
Image format: Container is converted to Wasm image using container2wasm to make it runnable on browser.
Wasi host: vscode-wasm is used for the container image. It's patched to support containers and networking.
Networking: NW stack running on browser and it uses the browser's Fetch API for performing HTTP(S) networking. Please see also the docs in container2wasm.
"SharedArrayBuffer is not defined" error occurs when launching the container
To make SharedArrayBuffer available, please add ?vscode-coi=on query to the URL and reload.