Insert punctuation (semicolon) at the end of the current line and optionally go to the end or start a new line.
To activate, open the package panel thing and start typing "end line"
If the current line already has a semicolon, it doesn't add another one, but still moves the cursor to the end of the line or the newly created next line, depending on the action triggered.
Trims the end of the current line of white space before inserting the semicolon.
Keyboard shortcuts
The endline extension includes three keyboard shortcuts:
cmd + ;: insert semicolon at end of line, but keep the cursor where it is.
ctrl + ;: insert semicolon at end of line and move cursor to the end of the line.
cmd + shift + enter: insert semicolon at end of line, create a new line after the current one, and move cursor to the start of the new line.
Known Issues
None so far.
To Do
At some point, I'd like determine if the current line is inside a JavaScript array or object, and, if so, insert a comma instead of a semicolon. (Will probably need to use