Create a local branch named as *name__upstreamBranchName*, etc myBranch_master. Commit changes.
Toggle checkboxes with appropriate branch names to specify necessary upstream branches to which cherry-pick.
Click Cherry-pick button to start cherry-picking.
Result: Local branches with commits cherry picked from current one are created.
Merge conflicts solving
If merge conflict is detected cherry picking stops, Cherry-pick button replaces with Continue cherry-picking button.
Resolve merge conflict using familiar way and commit the changes.
Press Continue cherry-picking button.
Result: Cherry-picking continues.
Abort cherry-pick when merge conflict is detected
Click on Abort cherry-pick button when merge conflict is detected to cancel current cherry-pick.
Result: actual cherry-pick is aborted.
Multiple pull requests creating
Select branches. Select labels and reviewers if it's necessary.
Click on the Create pull requests button.
Customize a title in the shown input box (by default first commit message is placed here). Input some description if you want.
Result: Local branch named as *currentBranch__upstreamBranch* is pushed for every selected upstream branch. And for every pushed branch customized pull request is created. It remains only to click on Open button placed in the information toast to see pull request github page.
Data tree refreshing
Extension data tree can become outdated if some new labels, branches or reviewers were added to upstream repo.
Click on Refresh button to load new data and update the tree.