Priority of the toggle button position in the status bar. (Higher values mean the toggle button would be shown more to the left.)
0 (default)
Display terminal names on hover (tooltip)
false (default)
(Experimental - values might not update in some cases due to API limitations, requires interaction with the toggle to update)
Known Issues/Limitations
Clicking on the toggle does not show/hide the terminal -
If the focus is switched from the active terminal to another section on the Panel (like PROBLEMS or OUTPUT),
(Currently there isn't an API to know if the inline terminal has the focus - 117980).
If the panel is closed using "Close Panel" option
As a workaround, we need to click the toggle twice to show (focus) on the active terminal first (and once more if we need to hide)
This does not work well if the Terminal is created in the Editor Area (Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area) instead of Panel (default)
Tests - There aren't any tests right now
If you come across any other issue, or if you could improve this extension please feel free to raise a Bug/PR
Installing from Source
Clone the Repository
Run npm install -g @vscode/vsce to install vsce
Run vsce package from the cloned directory to package the extension
Run Extensions: Install from VSIX and choose the vsix package
Release Notes
Initial Release
Added CI Pipeline
Updated Known Limitation in README
bump @vscode/vsce - dev dependency
Added setting for alignment.
Added setting for priority.
Added notification to reload on configuration changes.
0.0.6, 0.0.7
Added setting to display terminal name on hover (tooltip).