VS Code Batch Snippets is a powerful extension designed to enhance your batch scripting experience within Visual Studio Code. Created by a new batch programmer, it provides all the necessary features to make your batch scripts. Suitable for all levels of batch programmers, whether beginner, intermediate, or advanced.
Extensive Snippets: Enjoy a wide range of predefined snippets covering various aspects of batch scripting, including file management, control flow, and more. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and speed up your development process.
Color Table in Snippets: Easily visualize and select colors for your batch scripts using the embedded color table available in relevant snippets. This feature simplifies the process of choosing colors and enhances readability within your scripts.
Intuitive Usage: Access snippets effortlessly through intuitive triggers and commands, making it seamless to insert commonly used batch script elements into your code.
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VS Code Batch Snippets Features
Basic Commands
echo: Prints a line in the console.
echooff: Turns off echoing in the console.
if: Defines an if statement.
ifandelse: Defines an if-else statement.
timeout: Waits for a specified amount of time.
goto: Jumps to a specified label in the script.
tag: Defines a tag for goto to jump to.
label: Defines a label for goto to jump to.
set: Sets a variable.
cls: Clears the console screen.
loop: Creates a loop with if statements.
echodate: Prints the date in the console.
setdate: Saves the date to a variable.
date: Gets the current date.
exit: Exits the console.
File Management
xcopy: Copies a folder to another location.
mkdir: Creates a new directory.
dir: Lists the files and folders in a directory.
del: Deletes a file, files, or folder.
move: Moves files and directories.
ren: Renames a file or directory.
echoFile: Outputs text to a file.
file to variable: Reads the contents of a file specified and writes it to a variable.
User Interface
color: Changes the color of the console.
printtoconsole: Prints a line to the console.
input: A batch input system.
gui: A batch GUI input system.
Advanced Commands
startforloop: Starts a for loop.
setlocal: Sets things local.
endlocal: Ends things local.
powershellcommand: Executes a PowerShell command.
setvariable: Sets a variable.
currentdir: Gets the current directory.
currentfilepath: Gets the current file path.
currentfilename: Gets the current file name.
currentfileextension: Gets the current file extension.
callbatchscript: Calls another batch script or function.
changeencodingtype: Changes the encoding type of a file.
pause: Pauses the script execution.
basic batch: Basic body code for a batch file.
These simple commands help you automate tasks and manage files efficiently in your batch scripts.