Extension to highlight and list specific keywords in VSCode project.
Inspired by Tsoding style of coding, when he puts TODOs in error calls.
I.e. this extension encourages adding TODOs comments before implementation and removing them when implementation is in place.
For you to not forget about those TODOs and to not push them into repository - extension highlights them, and has commands to list TODOs in current project/branch/commit. Also it can add a pre-commit hook, so you won't forget to attend to TODO comment before committing.
Highlight keywords:
Annotate todos in project/branch/commit:
Add pre-commit hook:
Toggle todos highlight
Enables/disables keywords highlight feature. Works only fo current session. If you want to disable it permanently - please use isEnabled setting.
List todos in all project
Outputs keywords, that are declared in keywordsForAnnotation setting, found in whole project. Take into account includedFiles and excludedFiles settings.
List todos in current branch
Outputs keywords, that are declared in keywordsForAnnotation setting, found in current branch, compared to master branch.
List todos in current commit
Outputs keywords, that are declared in keywordsForAnnotation setting, found in current commit.
Toggle precommit hook
Adds/removes pre-commit hook to the project. It won't allow you to commit changes if there is a keyword, declared in keywordsForHook settings, found in diff.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
todo-in-scope.isEnabled : true | Expected value: bool - enable/disable highlights
todo-in-scope.defaultStyle.color : black | Expected value: web color, e.g. black/#FFF - for default keyword text color
todo-in-scope.defaultStyle.backgroundColor : yellow | Expected value: web color, e.g. black/#FFF - for default background color of a keyword
todo-in-scope.defaultStyle.rulerColor : yellow | Expected value: web color, e.g. black/#FFF - for default ruler color in the scroll bar
todo-in-scope.includedFiles : ["**/*.rb","**/*.py","**/*.js","**/*.jsx","**/*.ts","**/*.tsx","**/*.html","**/*.php","**/*.css","**/*.scss"] | Expected value: array of globs - for files that will be included during annotation of the whole project
todo-in-scope.excludedFiles : ["**/node_modules/**","**/bower_components/**","**/dist/**","**/build/**","**/.vscode/**","**/.github/**","**/_output/**","**/*.min.*","**/*.map","**/.next/**"] | Expected value: array of globs - for files that will be excluded during annotation of the whole project
todo-in-scope.maxFiles : 2500 | Expected value: number - Max number of files that will be annotated
todo-in-scope.mainBranch : master | Expected value: string - Main branch to be considered during commit annotation
todo-in-scope.keywordsForAnnotation : ["TODO", "DEBUG"] | Expected value: array of strings - Keywords that will be picked during annotation
todo-in-scope.keywordsForHook : ["TODO"] | Expected value: array of strings - Keywords that will be picked for pre-commit hook
todo-in-scope.keywords :
"word": "TODO",
"color": "white",
"backgroundColor": "#c76d00",
"rulerColor": "#c76d00"
"word": "NOTE",
"color": "white",
"backgroundColor": "blue",
"rulerColor": "blue"
"word": "DEBUG",
"color": "white",
"backgroundColor": "red",
"rulerColor": "red"
| Expected value: array of objects. Object should consist of { word: string, color?: string, backgroundColor?: string, rulerColor?: string } - used for keywords during highlighting.
- Use main branch from settings during commit annotation
- Detach pre-commit hook from isEnabled setting. Instead pre-commit toggle should be used
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