Interactive kdb-studioInteractive kdb-studio is an extension for Visual Studio Code. This extension lets you select q code and execute it in the kdb-studio REPL by a quick keyboard shortcut. q Syntax (official) extension. FeaturesThe extension will automatically open a new integrated terminal and initialise the Scala interpreter with kdb-studio upon opening a Once in a If you are to send single line to the interpreter, there's no need for selection at all! Just place the caret on the line and press the shortcut. Shortcuts are not your style? You can now use the context menu as well! Just select some code and right click to send it to the interpreter. Extension SettingsThe used REPL Scala interpreter can be changed through the VS Code preferences. You can choose any Scala interpreter you like, including Using RequirementsDifferent requirements are applicable for the interpreter options. scalaIf you are using the system-wide Scala installation, you must have installed the Scala binaries and added the sbt consoleIf you are using the project installation, you must have SBT installed. You should also have a Scala project in your working directory, otherise SBT will automatically instantiate it when you are using this extension. Known IssuesThe default shell for the integrated terminal on Windows (PowerShell) is known to cause problems with manual input to the Scala interpreter. Change the shell to e.g. Git Bash as a workaround. Release Notes1.0.0First stable version. Added: