binhex READMEQuick conversion between binary and hexadecimal, and other quick editing useful for embedded software development Highlight text and right click to perform text editing Features
RequirementsNot available Known IssuesNot available Release Notes1.1.0Minor refactoring 1.0.9Combine shift bin and shift hex 1.0.8Add calculate function 1.0.7Move shifting and group_by to submenu 1.0.6Add keybinding for bin2hex and hex2bins 1.0.5Bug fix on wrong zero padding on hex2bin 1.0.4Bug fix on missing zero padding on hex2bin 1.0.3Bug fix on invalid zero padding on bin2hex and hex2bin 1.0.2Group text 1.0.1Shifting text format checking shifting 0.0.6Binary shifting 0.0.5Add reverse text 0.0.4Move tests to Mocha framework 0.0.3Add hexadecimal to binary conversion 0.0.2Add binary to hexadecimal conversion 0.0.1Initial release of BinHex |