This extension visualizes generated KLighD diagrams for other extensions. Some notable features are:
Open a diagram for a file in your language
Export diagrams as SVG
Interactively explore the visualized diagram
This extension is not intended to be used directly!
Instead, it should be used as a dependency by other extensions to easily support diagram
visualization with KLighD. Your host extension is responsible for configuring a language client,
while the KLighD extension handles everything related to diagrams.
Developing a language server for your extension that uses KLighD
to fulfill all requirements to be usable with this extension is no easy task. Until the documentation about building your own language
server is improved, feel free to seek advice from a member of the KIELER working group.
An example for a simple language server with KLighD synthesis support can be found
Configuration for the build process using Maven Tycho can be found
The VS Code extension for this language server can be found
Usage in your extension
Add an extension dependency to your extension's package.json.
Notify the KLighD extension about your language client.
export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// ... configuring the language client options
const lsClient = new LanguageClient('Language Server', serverOptions, clientOptions)
// Inform the KLighD extension about the LS client.
// The first argument is your language client.
// The second argument is an array of language file endings
// that are supported by your LS client.
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('klighd-vscode.setLanguageClient', lsClient, ['sctx'])
console.debug('Starting Language Server...')
Configure extension contribution points to open a diagram view for your language.
The KLighD diagram extension provides the option to intercept diagram actions that are about to be
sent to the language server. Each action has an identifier named kind.
To intercept an action, your extension has to provide an action handler with the following
type ActionHandler = (action: { kind: string }) => Promise<void>
To register your action handler with the klighd-vscode extension call the following command:
// - kind: the action kind that should be intercepted by the handler
// - handler: the action handler that is called for the provided action type.
vscode.commands.executeCommand("klighd-vscode.addActionHandler", kind: string, handler: ActionHandler);
Dispatching Actions
The KLighD diagram extension provides the ability to send an action to the open diagram view that
belongs to the host extension. The action will be handled by the diagram core and potentially sent to
the language server if it is handled that way.
To send an action to a klighd-vscode webview, execute the following command:
// - action: a valid Sprotty action that is sent to open diagram views.
vscode.commands.executeCommand("klighd-vscode.dispatchAction", action: Action)
Known Issues
Currently, only at most one extension that depends on kieler.klighd-vscode can be activated at
the same time. This causes problems if a workspace opens multiple files that are handled by
different KLighD dependent extensions. This issue is tracked