This extension allows for a smoother and more intuitive workflow when using VS Code with System Design.
Debugging Python
Starting Debug from System Design
Open the script you want to run in VS Code by double-clicking the script in System Design (make sure "Use VSCode for Python" is checked in Tools->Options->General)
Place a breakpoint in VS Code in the script to be debugged
Right-click the script in System Design and choose "Debug Script..."
Wait until the debugger attaches and hits the breakpoint
After the debugger attaches, look at debugging information on the left and step through code using the toolbar or keyboard
Starting Debug from VS Code
Place breakpoint in the script that you wish to debug
Click F5 or the green arrow under the "Run and Debug" tab of VS Code while having the tab of the script you wish to debug active (The launch.json should be named "Python: Attach using Process Id)
Wait until the dubgger attaches and hits the breakpoint