ImportantForked from HTML CSS Class Completion This extension is a drop in replacement for HTML CSS Class Completion with OOB Blazor / Razor support. If you're using HTML CSS Class Completion, please make sure it is uninstalled before using this extension. IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTMLA Visual Studio Code extension that provides CSS class name completion for the HTML Features
Supported Language Modes
Extended Support for Other Language ModesIt's possible to specify which language modes will have autocompletion. There are three settings for this feature:
The language modes listed in the previous section are already defined as default values in these settings, and you can add new ones or remove the already defined ones as necessary. Specific Support
ContributionsYou can request new features and contribute to the extension development on its repository on GitHub. Look for an issue you're interested in working on, comment on it to let me know you're working on it and submit your pull request! :D What's new in version 1.20 (Dec 19, 2020)
Check out the changelog for the current and previous updates. UsageIf there are HTML or JS files on your workspace, the extension automatically starts and looks for CSS class definitions. In case new CSS classes are defined, or new CSS files are added to the workspace, and you also want auto-completion for them, just hit the lightning icon on the status bar. Also, you can execute the command by pressing More User SettingsThe extension supports a few user settings, changes to these settings will be automatically recognized and the caching process will be re-executed. Folders and FilesYou can change the folders and files the extension will consider or exclude during the caching process by setting the following user settings:
EmmetEmmet support comes disabled by default, the reason behind this choice is because it the current implementation simply triggers completion when you type a "." (period) and this behavior might be considered a little annoying, but it might change in the future. Currently it supports the following languages (those are language identifier): "html", "razor", "php", "blade", "vue", "twig", "markdown", "erb", "handlebars", "ejs", "typescriptreact", "javascript", "javascriptreact".