Tool to enable jumping to the target containing the source file (relies on buildozer)
Provides a single command bazel-goto-build.goToBuild which will jump to the BUILD file and line at which the target is defined which contains the current source file.
Manual work is needed as there is not yet a plugin which integrates the tool. Please see the Integration with Vim/NeoVim section below.
This tool (both VSCode and Vim/NeoVim) currently only works on linux. It depends heavily on buildozer to parse BUILD files and fine the srcs, hdrs (if applicable), and data deps for each rule in a Bazel WORKSPACE.
Support for Windows and OSX may be considered in the future.
The main driver script ( depends on buildozer but will fetch it itself the first time it is run.
Integration with Vim/NeoVim
To use the tool in Vim/NeoVim, add the following to your .vimrc or init.vim and adjust the command so that the path points to the file in this repository.
function! s:gotobuild() abort
let l:file_path=expand('%:p')
let l:command="path/to/ -i " . l:file_path
let l:result=trim(system(l:command))
if l:result == ""
echo 'No corresponding BUILD file found'
let l:result_list=split(l:result, ':')
let l:build_file_name=l:result_list[0]
let l:build_file_line=l:result_list[1]
execute 'edit +' . l:build_file_line l:build_file_name
execute 'normal! zz'
command! -complete=command GOTOBuild call <SID>gotobuild()
nnoremap <silent> mB :GOTOBuild<CR>