yaml-Xyaml-X is a vscode extension for boosting your yaml experience 🔥 If you are struggling to find and input target yaml key from your project's innumerable yaml files, this extension should save you 💪 Featuresyaml-X indexes your workspace yaml(yml) files, then you can find the key and values from your editor. Auto-CompletionProvides suggestions and completion when you input yaml keys. Definition JumpJump to a yaml key definition when you focus on a yaml key. ) Support locale yaml top keyIf you use yaml for locale files and want to exclude top locale keys(like en, ja).
You can exclude these keys by setting RequirementsFirst off, you need to turn on
Second, you need 2(and optionally 1) settings. Reauired: TargetDirTarget yaml dir path which includes yaml(yml) files. Set relative path from project root dir. ⚠️Do not need ./⚠️ e.g) src/locale Reauired: yamlKeyArgFunctionFunction name which uses yaml key as an argument. e.g) i18n.t yaml-X uses this function name as part of regex to find yaml keys like this.
Optional: excludeTopKeyIt's a useful setting if you input yaml key for translation without top language key(like ja, en) By setting this value true, yaml-X suggests full key but omits top key from the input value. Release Notes1.0.0Initial release 🎉 Basic 2 features are relaased