The default does nothing, so create your own snippet in the settings.json.
"dippet.entry": {
"javascript": [ // Language ID
"prefix": "uuid",
"description": "Generate UUID",
"body": "", // Can be omitted as it is empty.
"command": ["cmd: uuid.generate", "cmd: cursorRight"]
*The command uuid.generate in this example requires UUID Generator.
Language ID : The language of snippets applied. You can specify "*" to apply to all languages.
prefix : The trigger word for its snippet.
description : Description for its snippet. Displayed when its snippet is suggested.
body : Body of its snippet.
command : Tasks to be executed when using its snippet.
Command types
cmd : ID of command. (e.g. cmd:
shell : Shell command to be executed in the terminal. (e.g. shell: echo Hello)
You can omit anything other than prefix that you do not need.